Evening all: Off to check previous week's posts.
Good Morning ALL. Everywhere is still wet from yesterday and last night's rain but there are short glimmers of the sun this morning.
Paul, Your mentioning frozen outdoor taps made me go and check that I know where we put the tap's winter jacket, although we do turn the water supply off to that tap in the winter. Some years ago, we found both garages like a skating rink, when the garage tap, which was well insulated and encased in a wooden box, had burst overnight !
Annette, Son and his wife will not be back home untill the end of January. It will be strange not seeing them for Christmas. We have received long text messages, 3 phone calls and they are sending e-mail reports for all family and friends to read. It also means they have a record to look at in future years. They have left us with pages of their full itinerary, hotels, flights etc.
Linda, Love those world transport pictures. Just trying to imagine driving behind an open truck, with a camel on board.
Dibnlib, So sorry about your friend. I, also, saw it on the news. Have a good evening with Rick Wakeman.
OG, Your Sunday sounded very good, both for the books/talks and the food. We have been donated thousands of books, for us to sell for charity, by a book shop owner, who has been hit by the 'credit crunch'. There are some beautiful old books alongside some very modern ones. I am sure you would enjoy rummaging through them.
I keep getting interrupted, whilst trying to write this, so hopefully will look in later.
Thanks for yesterday’s and more recent posts., including any I don’t have replies for.
Lindy – thanks for quote – I remember this similar one (apologies to author, don’t know who you are - hope you won’t mind me quoting it) –
“The work will wait while you show the Child the Rainbow,
but the Rainbow won’t wait while you work”
Friend is actually relieved that her husband didn’t have to endure any longer – she is 83 and very philosophical about life and death – she said he died peacefully, and had been ready to go. Great Smilepix today – especially camel – I hope driver doesn’t go under any low bridges!! Cyclists with pole remind me of “The Plank” film (showing my age again!)
George – we might well have been coming round the Pentland Hills when you took your photo across the Firth! How good of you to take the ladies shopping and for a bit of a ride round. Have toyed with the idea of Goose Watches at Caerlaverock, but awfully early – there is one evening Roost Watch this year, but we shall not be here that day.
Chloe – pleased you got your Sparrows back – lovely clear photo.
Brenda – nice for you to have lunch with daughter. Hope Son continues to enjoy his trip – and no more disgusting trains!
Annette – Valencia Oranges – my favourite! Funeral is not “back up” – ie not Edinburgh – it is “back down” in Lancashire, where we used to live and where we went for earlier funeral, but in a different church. Previous lady was one who left our local church to go elsewhere, but this couple of which husband has died were among our “Old Faithfuls” – they were also very kind people who befriended my parents and used to take them for country rides and lunches.
Dibnlib – read about rally driver killed in Aberfeldy on Scotland news online – so sad, and that it was the Colin McRae memorial event. So sorry he was friend – especially hard to lose someone suddenly.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Morning all ... it is just still morning ... unless I get interrupted! It is one of those horrible 'D' days here ... dismal, damp, dark etc! I don't know where the weekend went to ... lots of visitors, including godson who asked if he could come and watch the Man Utd match on our tv at midday!!
OG - lovely quote about the rainbow. Oh dear ... another funeral for you to go to, but good that he didn't linger in pain. I remember when my dad died last year aged 91, he was ready to go, although he had only been ill for a week. I was chatting to him in the hospital the day before he died, and told him that a friend was going to ring him when he got home. His reply was "Tell him to ring me in Heaven!" How lovely to hear Gervaise Phinn ... I have been to hear him a couple of times and have all his books.
dibnlib - what tragic news of your friend in the Rally crash so sorry.
Linda - lovely Monday Smile as usual!
Annette - Valencia oranges from your own tree ... how wonderful!
george g - you must be making life so much easier for your SiL ... and what lovely photos!
ChloeB - brilliant sparrow photo and caption :-)
margobird - glad you have finished your marathon washing ... sounds like you were lucky with the weather getting it dry!
Thanks to all for great chat, links, photos etc
Take care
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Hello all!
Well, I have been reading but not posting for the past few days. So many of you have much more interesting lives than I do. Reading all your posts makes my life more exciting, so thank you to all.
Dibnlib - We were shocked to hear of Jimmy Girvan's death. We did not know him personally but his death has become a talking point in the town, how very sad. As for noise at the wedding you attended - totally understand. Only thing is, a lot of the weddings we attend these days are family affairs and our presence is what you might call obligatory! OH leaves his hearing aids out because noise is unbearable. We smile a lot and try not to become involved in deep conversations.
george g- If I was your SiL I could not ask for a better friend. Re pics of Forth bridge - my stepson is a harbour pilot in the Forth - we hear many interesting and amusing tales which I can't really repeat here (wish that I could, it would make my posts FAR more interesting )
OG - On the same theme - what an interesting life you lead. I am living your life by proxy. Keep it coming!
Lindybird - The Hat Museum sounds great and I wish that I could be going there. Thankyou for the Monday smile!! I had to trawl through Sky programmes before I found the new ITV Drama because it was not shown on Scottish ITV. Anyway, I got to see it! I don't watch a lot of TV but do like period Drama.
Annette - Valencia oranges - you are so lucky. When we were in California last time, people put baskets of oranges and lemons outside their houses. You could help yourself. Does that happen where you are?
AQ - he last time that I pegged out the washing in my bare feet was when I lived in Devon, faaaaar south of Inverness. Loved your pics of Rhynie - i think that place must be named after somewhere in Aberdeenshire? Must ask OH.
Chloe - Agree, our sparrows are much more scarce this year. Also all other small garden birds.
BrendaH - How silly that your garden centre is not looking after the local trade. Maybe they should fire their front of house lady?
Diane - When you spoke about your Dad watching political programmes when awake, I instantly thought of my dear OH who usually falls asleep in front of TV after bowling, fishing, gardening, eating dinner. He always switches to WW2 documentaries before he falls asleep. If I creep over to the TV to see if there is anything else on view, he instantly wakes up and says that he only had his eyes closed, he was still listening! As I have said on here before, I'm not an avid TV watcher but when I want to see something, I want to see it! Thus, extra satellite box upstairs-------
Margobird - Glad the washing is finished. Living where we do, I have holiday clothes and rest of the year clothes. Sad, isn't it?!!!
Weather here has been quite cold. Heard geese yesterday morn. Sure sign of end of Summer----
Everyone else, thanks for all your posts and have a good week-
Morning all: Sun is looming over the Valencia orange tree; time to let down the outside shades. Watched Inspector Lewis last night but find that the plots are a bit convoluted these days - or maybe it's because I'm doing stuff on the computer (like posting to this thread) so I literally lose the plot.
dibnlib: Awful when someone sets out for a "normal" day and never comes home. I think about that when I hear about traffic fatalities.... I can't stand going anywhere where everyone has to shriek to be heard - nice that you had an excuse to go home early! My good friend from Santa Barbara is in Scotland right now; too bad the weather has turned so early.
Diane: Laptop is all of 4 years old; will have to check out screen resolution options when I replace it.
Tiger: Thanks for info re Quebec bridge - horrible that so many people died trying to put it up. If I'm ever in Quebec, I'll make a note to zip over it as quickly as possible.
Lindybird: I like the photo of the long pole being transported - some skill that! Camel shot a hoot!
OG: What's this? Carrot cake and hot chocolate two days in a row; think it must be the same snack you mentioned yesterday. Sounds like a lovely day out. Santa Barbara is currently holding the annual Planned Parenthood book sale - the biggest used book sale event of the year around here. OH went and got some, but I'm already backlogged with reading material.
BrendaH: Wow, that's a long trip. I bet they'll be happy to be home by the end of January.
Djoan: That's what godparents are for right? To let the kid in to watch a football match. Assume you have better TV than he.
Heather: Harbor pilot job sounds interesting - anything where you're not stuck behind a desk sounds wonderful. I shoulda been a landscape/flower person I think. Actually yes, people do put excess fruit out on the sidewalks - I was thinking of doing that but the Food Bank, which distributes to low-income/unemployed/homeless folks can probably put them to better use. Was in Costco the other day and they were taking fresh produce off the shelves that head reached their "sell by" date and getting ready to send them to the homeless shelters, etc. Re telly watching, I found out that we can record two programs in addition to the one we're watching on our new HDTV-compatible cable box. Haven't done it yet though; keep forgetting.....and not sure there are three conflicting programs worth watching! :-)
Just want to say Hallo to Alan if he's reading at all.
Take care all.
Well, I had a little doze after lunch to catch up on my sleep, and for once no-one rang up & interrupted me! However, I have broken my precious back tooth again (the one I keep having all the trouble with), so will have to go back to the dentist before we go away. Also noticed that one of the little diamante ornaments on the new pair of specs is now missing <sigh> I keep saying to Husband that I'm falling apart, bit by bit!
Loved that film 'The Plank' & have a copy of it somewhere. I read the autobiography of dear old Eric Sykes a couple of years ago on holiday, when someone had left the book in their apartment for us to read. I enjoyed it so much I wrote to him thanking him for writing the book, and for all the laughs over the years, and I got a personal reply from him! What a lovely man.
Tiger; How awful about the Quebec bridge - such a huge loss of life.
AQ Glad to hear that the newly weds were reunited with their luggage in the end.
Made an apple pie with some of the huge amount of apples from our tree in the garden - we have already put down a lot of apple sauce in the freezer, ready for winter roast dinners etc. Can smell it cooking now - will try to only have a tiny corner myself, just for testing purposes you understand - Husband can polish it off over the next couple of days, as he has lost weight after being so busy lately so can eat what he likes!
OH didn’t go printing – he had to return one of the computer chairs bought last week as they don’t adjust to our desk height! I am keeping the one he had assembled to be the chair for my lower craft desk – to where my computer chair would have moved! I’ve caught up with my to do list – including ironing! Friend phoned – funeral next Tuesday, which is great timing for us as we were going to travel to Derbyshire on the Wednesday, so can go via Lancashire Tuesday on the way!
Brenda – you posted just before me this morning – good to see you. Just asked OH if he knows where our outside tap’s winter jacket is, and he says half of it is on ready (shows how observant I am – not!) Believe it or not, we are trying to reduce book numbers! We brought all our books when we moved, but since then have had two purges – especially novels and outdated non-fiction. We now intend to get rid of the children’s books, since even the youngest Grandchild has grown out of them.
Joan – how lovely to have a Godson who invites himself – even if it is for television!
Heather – I always think other people’s lives sound more interesting than mine! I haven’t done any of the big things, like climbing Kilimanjaro, visiting Machu Pichu, or even going abroad for holidays – and have actually never wanted to. Now I am too old, I sometimes wonder, “should I have done so-and-so” – and usually end up with “why?” – in other words, I am not an “Everest … because it’s there” kind of person! I must say, we have been out and about a lot more recently, but that’s because I am fit enough right now after a few difficult years, and can actually cope with journeys of more than half an hour without too much discomfort.
Annette – yes, I confess – carrot cake with hot chocolate Saturday and Sunday. Hot Choc is because I don’t drink tea and can only drink decaff coffee and don’t like it full strength, so can never be sure if I will be able to drink it. Hot Choc is more consistent, but Carrot Cake varies hugely from one place to another in colour, consistency and ingredients! See note to Brenda about books!
Lindybird – sorry about tooth – hope it can be fixed again - and specs trimming – wonder if the diamante bit can be replaced? Enjoy Apple Pie! That reminds me - we bought some at a coffee morning and haven't done anything with them yet! Anyone know a recipe for Courgette and Apple? I think I feel a chutney coming on!
Book Festival again tomorrow – tickets for four talks - real mix of interests – from Medicine to Gaelic Music with Archaeology and Spitfires between!
Evening all: Ugh. 100F here today and no cooling breeze tonight! Fans going full blast and papers weighted down with whatever's close at hand. In Los Angeles, it was 113F - the highest recorded temp since 1877! Went to see my daughter in the valley, where there was a very hot wind. Took her fresh squeezed orange juice. We went to feed her horses and hosed them down with nice cool water - somehow managed to get ourselves wet too. Was wonderful.
Lindybird: In previous years I'd rarely take an afternoon nap and someone would always call! I take more now and let my OH handle the phones when I do. But more trouble with that tooth? Didn't you just spend a minor fortune getting that fixed or was it done by NHS? Can they do a root canal? And now you're missing a sparkly bit on your specs! :-( What a nice story about Eric Sykes. Apple pie at your house, eh? With cream, yes? I took the second bucket or oranges to the Food Bank this afternoon - didn't dare let them sit much longer in this heat.
OG: So you have to go shopping for more computer chairs now? I'm using the piano stool, which gets a bit hard after an hour or so. Good that you can combine trips next week. Very sound reasoning for drinking hot chocolate and yes, carrot cake varies tremendously here too. Notice that Costco has just come out with a Carrot and Walnut cake - looks very yummy and very fattening. Won't be buying one. Maybe you should start a blog rating the various Carrot Cakes you've tasted in your neck of the woods. Enjoy the book festival - we'll just be hoping for cooler temps.
Heather - You are correct. SA’s Rhynie was laid out 1859 by Robert Milne who came from Aberdeenshire. So many of our place names reflect the origin of the first settlers.
Jasper, our dau's cat, was released on parole again yesterday. He was sniffing and cringeing and creeping around the back garden and . . . suddenly 2 crested pigeons flew into the crab apple with their characteristic wing noise. Jasper dashed across the lawn and flew a metre up the crab apple. Uh oh, he heard the chitter-chatter of a sparrow. U-turn and a quick dash back to me. Whereupon I told him to be very careful of those great big scary sparrows and stay close. LOL
Morning Everyone: Got up late today - slept really well, which makes up for the previous night.
Agree with OG that Carrot cake varies so much, everywhere - you never know what you're going to get, which is half the fun!
Laughed at the antics of the cat, AQ! Poor thing, they hate strange environments.
Dull and cloudy here again, but at least its stopped raining, for now anyway. Lots to do once again, so off I go to tackle the To Do List! Have a good day, All.
EDIT: ps the Apple Pie looked so good I nearly took a picture of it! - but I did only have a tiny corner. OH had two helpings, grrrr!