Weekly Chat, Sunday September 26, 2010

Evening all: Off to check previous week's posts.

  • back in from sorting out the horses. Amazing how they act as if they haven't been fed for a week.

    Brenda, that is so annoying, when a long post gets deleted. Sorry. Sounds like a really busy weekend. Hope it goes well and drive safe. Glad your daughter is being pro active on her move.

    Emma, sorry about the photo's. Can "an expert" possibly recover some of the photo's? I took my computer to a small place when it crashed and they recovered some stuff that I couldn't. Hope the job hunt for Steed is going OK. Enjoy the day.

    Heather, not only do you want to know how it's all going, so do we! lol 

  • Just thought I'd share a photo of our two pets.

    Clover is on the left and Lida on the right. They are wearing fly sheets to keep the worst of the bugs off.


  • Back again.  Have enjoyed catching up with everyone’s news. Belated thanks to everyone for congrats to Steed re HGV pass and yes Gary, TerryM and anyone else who made the connection, he was given a few Yorkie bars from friends/family.  What brilliant marketing to have a chocolate bar associated with a workforce as huge as truckers.

    Lindy:  Loved the sound of your visit to the hat museum.  Can you post a link to it here or on my page please?  I would like to visit it in the future.  Great Monday smile at the start of this week. Thank you for that. Sorry to read of troubles with tooth, diamante and most recently your phone.

    Tiger: Enjoyed your reminiscences of childhood homes.  Thank you for link to wonderful Raymond Barlow pics.

    OG: Great that you can enjoying getting out and about more than you used to.  Sorry to read that your planned meet with Patricia was thwarted by weather.

    George: Excellent photos especially of Forth Rail Bridge.

    AQ: Sounds like you are enjoying cat-sitting Jasper.

    Annette: Hope you enjoy your visit to Sierras.  Good of you to include granddaughter.   It will help her to be with you and her mum for a few days and to realise that she has help and support.

    HeatherB: So delighted that your SIL is home now. You must be itching to see him.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

  • I didn't take may pictures while we were on our trip to Vermont but here are a couple.

  • sorry, can't resist this one of Rio, from next door with his trusty lobster...

  • Hello, I am still here. We went to leave the house and found we couldn't lock the door. Highly secure, numerous levers up and down the door and it all failed. Locksmith still working on it !!

    Gary, I love horses and your two pets, certainly look two beauties. From your picture, it doesn't look as if Autumn was in full colour yet, but still beautiful colours and scenery.  I could kidnap Rio. He is such a good looking dog. Thanks for showing the photographs.

    Hope you are all having a better day than us !!


  • GARY   thanks for lovely pics (how do these blankets repel the beasties?)   Fingal once had a squeaky duck only it did not squeak but quacked instead. drove us nuts!!!!!! Dillon has 2 rabbits, a Pooh Bear and a Teddy Bear, one pink pig and a kangaroo (quite a zoo) I keep tidying them up and 2 mins later he untidies them again so I don't know why I bother. 

  • Hi to all, readers and posters alike: Enjoyed all posts and pix. Very pretty/cute.  Busy today; just did huge pile of ironing and trying to figure out how little I can take on this trip.  Daughter coming down this afternoon for b'day celebration, then OH will pop her on the train tomorrow at lunchtime while I leave in the morning; will meet her in Davis off the train (yes, cars here go much faster than trains!)  :-))   Back later.

  • Hi to all

    I finally got to speak to SiL about his return from Afghanistan. In a nutshell, he has been embedded with the Afghan National Army, near Nad-e Ali ,in a house which was 'taken over.' Training and mentoring and regularly out on patrol with ANA. As with all our troops, some nasty experiences.

    Return home last night was pretty much on time, the families were waiting in the barracks, and the soldiers came through the door, in line, as bagpipes played. Huge excitement, children rushing forward and dads scooping them up. My SiL was apparently about the third through the door so grandchildren didn't have to wait too long. They didn't get home until about 0100 hrs so I thought the children would sleep on this morning, but of course not! They came rushing into parents' room before 0800hrs!

    Annette - What is this about ironing? I don't think that we should be mentioning the dreaded word--- What a good idea to enable your GD to spend some quality time with you and her Mum. Look forward to hearing how it went, and how things are. Hope that doesn't sound too inquisitive----

    Brenda - What a nuisance, your locks failing. That is what OH would call **** law!Gary - great pics of horses and of Rio. The tree colours are splendid. Linda - Is there ever going to be a time when phones, boilers, TVs etc just work and give us a break for a couple of years? Emma - My heart bled for you when reading of the loss of your photos. I'm not so good at backing up, but so far, have not had a bad experience. All I know is that eldest SiL installs Norton antivirus each year on our computers but I guess that there will always be some nasties that wriggle under the fence. Paul - and Linda - Love your fishy tales---AQ - It is a fact that here in UK we often only hear about the British Army, most of the time. I started looking online regarding all the other troops out there following our attendance at a special service/parade in Copenhagen last year. The son of our friends is in the Danish Army, who also serve in Afghanistan.I'd better finish before you all fall asleep reading this long post.Regards to everyone,  who I haven't replied to - I've just run out of steam but have enjoyed reading all your posts. Thankyou.
  • Heather, sorry about the door. What a pain, and for it to spoil the whole day. We were about a week early for the colours and the weather wasn't great but had fun.There's a long line waiting to dognap Rio, and I head it! lol

    Annette, good luck with packing light and have a good trip.

    Dibnlib, Dillon has lots of toys which is nice:) perhaps he likes them scatered so it's easier for him to choose which one he wants:) The sheets the horses wear don't really repeal the flies/bugs, just when they land on them, it stops them from being able to bite the skin.

    Heather, thanks for letting us know how it went. What a fantastic homecoming. Thanks for sharing it.