Evening all: Off to check previous week's posts.
Meant to say that Bournevita is no longer sold in the UK.
Liz LFT put us correct (in the nicest possible way) by suggesting that our pics were taken at Loch Garten and not Mallachie.
Glad to hear that s-i-l is due back home soon. Remember when OH was due back from The Falklands we had a bit of a hiccough. He was due back on the Sunday and on the Tues before that I got a phone call. I somehow knew it was bad news and sure enough it was OH saying that his return was delayed as his replacement hadn;t arrived on that days Tristar and no one knew why. Bear in mind he was not coming home as part of a squadron and not a one for one. Anyway replacement arrived and OH came home a few days later than originally planned.
Sorry about the duplicate post. Hope you aren't fed up with pics of Dillon cos here is one of him at Findhorn yesterday... Mooring buoys totally confuse him as of course he is convinced they are balls for him to play with.He bursts any I buy him in his anxiety to pick them up and carry them around. Good job thebuoys don't do the same or we would have some irate boat owners. 2nd pic of Dunlins also taken at Findhorn. signing off another essay.
Windy and rainy here today therefore having an in day looking at different things on the internet. More bad news about birds being shot in Malta out of a flock of 22 spoonbills that landed on their migration only 9 managed to proceed. How do they manage to flaunt the European laws and nothing happens to them. There was also pictures on the birdguide web site about the coal fired power station that they want to build at Hunterston . Lovely sand portraits.
Tiger liked the pictures of 'Goldilocks' although I don't think we will have to bother about a visitation in our lifetime. Hoping the weather improves tomorrow so that I can get out and about. Hope everyone who is travelling today does so safely.
george g
Good afternoon dibllib lovely pic of Dillon and would never get fed up with seeing him, just gorgeous and looking as though he as really enjoying himself. Nice pic of the Dunlins. Good luck with your essay.
dibnlib, you know we never get fed up with pics of pets on here! Did you see this about Culloden Wood? http://www.forestry.gov.uk/news1/17EB9F79BF0F4F488025778A002E5B78
Annette, I always get mouth ulcers if I drink lots of orange juice, I think it's the vit C as I can't take pills either.
Tiger, thanks for Raymond Barlow link, fabulous photos. (I'm on chapter 8 now of Scottish Osps).
OH said I didn't have to rush this morning as it would be heavy rain, but it wasn't too bad so we had a late start gardening today. Not so much to do now as most people's grass has really slowed down. We are about to bring in some dead wood from our small copse ready for the woodburner this winter (or rather, next winter - this year's is already in the wood shed).
I have contacted volunteering about going to Dodd Wood next year and spoken to a Real Person! They have a meeting session early January to get everyone together, hope they don't lose my details, can't wait!
Terry in Cumbria
Hi dibnlib
We could never become fed up with pictures of Dillon. He is such an incredibly lovely dog. Maybe I have a liking for goldies
Maybe it is because my friend has a goldie called Opel. Here she is as a puppy.
Tiger Signature
dibnlib - Dillon is gorgeous. I try to love the Jack Russell next door, but boy, when he barks, he barks! Sometimes in the middle of the night. His owners are very nice, though, so we tend to turn over in bed and try to be generous spirited! There is only about 15 feet between their house and ours, his sharp bark would wake the dead----- OH always had dogs but even he finds the JR noisy. Every time we go into the garden he alerts the whole neighbourhood!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, SiL due home this evening. Much excitement ! ( Welcome home, 1 Scots!)
It has been pretty wet here today. Glad that we got some work done in the garden, yesterday.
I have been called in for childminding duties next week. Elgin (50 miles away) on Tuesday, then down to Edinburgh on Wednesday to let daughter and aforementioned SiL to an Army function in the evening. Good excuse for me to see the grandchildren.
Thanks to you all for posts, have read everything and enjoyed!
Alan - Where are you? I miss your chat.
Hi everyone.
Back "fresh" from my mum's visit. Only 2 weeks before the next lot of family arrive.. lol
Just about to read back but saw the post from Heather about SIL returning tonight. Fantastic news and let him know all of us "out here" have been worried about him and his friends, and is glad he's home:)