Whoops. Got busy with one thing and another and forgot it was Saturday night. Anyway, will catch up tomorrow. Take care all.
Linda, congratulations:)) very exciting time all round. Hope all goes well.
OG, sounds a productive day. Well remembered on mum's dog, Poppy. She stays with friends/neighbours and generally gets spoilt for the whole time! She is getting older now (the dog) so doesn't need as much exercise.
George, thanks for the lovely photo's.
Patriciat, good luck this weekend with the "doggy stuff".
Enjoyed all the catch up from everyone. Uneventful day here, looking forward to the weekend:)
Hi all logging off soon don't feel crash hot tonight
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Goodnight Alicat, hope you feel better tomorrow.
gary a said: Goodnight Alicat, hope you feel better tomorrow.
thats gary got pains in chest
Alison W said: Goodnight Alicat, hope you feel better tomorrow.
Oh Alicat how bad are they?
Tiger Signature
Alicat: I hope you feel better. Get medical attention!
Will try to catch up a bit now since landscaping lady hasn't called as expected.
dibnlib: We have many large wild mustang herds here in the West. The Bureau of Land Management rounds them up every now and then (all very controversial) and then tries to auction them off, preferably to "good" homes, but often for a pittance. Some people buy them and ship them over the border to Mexico for slaughter/dog food, making a pretty penny over the initial cost of the horse. With the economy so bad, well-meaning folks are having a hard time affording their horses and the rescue places are full. My daughter had to put her first horse down earlier this year and probably figured Miss Molly (the remaining horse) needed another companion. Consequently, daughter is as poor as a church mouse - but animals are well fed and cared for! There are worse things for our offspring to be involved in, so I only whine a little bit. So sorry your Mom is in such bad shape; that must be very hard on families. Good that your GP was able to offer some support - they see a lot of that kind of thing.
Alicat: Hope Casper is feeling better. And what's this? Pains in your chest? Never something to mess wiith so don't dismiss them! "-)
Heron: Nice to see you whizzing by (on your way to a suet ball no doubt!) :-)
HeatherB: The water/ice dispensers are really nice - I remember the first fridge I had that had one; was so thrilled! Ouris is side-by-side with dispensers. Came with the house, but I think next time we'll get one of those French door jobs that have equal sized doors and the freezer on the bottom (with the racks that slide out when you open the door). In the meantime, find the skinny freezer in the current fridge a bit of a pain. Funny how folks in the UK have single unit freezers in addition to fridges; many people here have second refrigerators on their garages for overflow storage. I find a nice glass of wine when guests walk in the door helps. Hate all that pre-visit rushing about though.
patriciat: Good luck with the doggie competitions!
Gary: I find that if you don't use the ice cube part of the dispenser a lot, the ice sitting in the container eventually forms a huge block that's impossible for the mechanism to break up.
TerryM: OMG you win prizes for baked treats? Congratulations. I'm so jealous. I remember Dunstable Downs - isn't there a white horse there or something (carved into the hill)?
Diane: Good news about Pete's Pond; let's hope it'll happen. Wonder if a dehumidifier would prevent the mildew on the furniture.
Alan: Oh dear - pneumonia can wipe you out, no wonder s-i-l is flat on her back. :-( We have raccoons like that wandering around our garden from time to time.
OG: I'll pretend I didn't read "Christmas" in your post. :-) Cheesecake! I knew it!
Cirrus: Thanks for solving the "which one is she?" mystery in your photo! But assume you meant "QW herself on the right" in the photo, not "my right."
BrendaH: Smart kids to travel now; not much chance of it when the family arrives. They'll be fine; don't worry.
George g: Lovely photos - thanks for letting us see area around the famous Vane Farm!
Djoan: What a pretty jay!
OK, am off now. Take care all and thanks for various pix (squirrels, etc.) and posts. Always good to pop in and hear how everyone is doing.
Alan: This link is for you! I saw this today and just had to post it. LOL LOL LOL
Don't miss the Clocky Robotic Alarm (I love that one!), the SnuzNLuz Alarm Clock, the Flying Alarm Clock, and the Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker.
Type "Clock" into the Search to see more...
I'll catch up with everyone else later tonight.
Gary - thanks for the instructions for YouTube. Used it and it works , I'll have to work out how to put it in addresses and then post it another time.
Lindybird said;
Gary: You may have missed my news that we are to be grandparents for the first time, in November. My son & wife have not asked to be told of the sex of the child, nor have they decided on possible names yet, so I have nicknamed The Bump "'Sweetpea" - I also fully expect that I shall call the baby this, when he/she arrives! (I am sooo excited at the prospect, already!)
Thats fantastic news Lindybird, don't think I picked up on it before. Its always best, I think, not to know the sex as it comes as a lovely surprise to see what it is when born.
Thanks for the pics of the Jays, Joan, missed that as I'd turned off to do do dinner and other things.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Due to an unforeseen problem with the server facilitating the live streaming of footage from Pete's Pond, the live-cam is regrettably not functioning at present. We hope to have this resolved as soon as possible, and regret any disappointment experienced by our regular "Pondies".The Mashatu Game Reserve Team.
Just picked this up on the official site of Mashatu, so how long it will be out, who knows??