Hi, it was a day of misery for the two chicks. With EJ gone and it looks like Odin has gone too, there were no deliveries of fish yesterday.
Nature is playing its part. It is time the two juves went fishing for themselves or else start on their migratory journey. Odin has obviously felt it is time to kick start these two into foraging for themselves. If confirmed he is gone by the LG team it will be about the same time as last year.
The weather sounds foul at LG at the moment so hope they are sheltering safely somewhere.
Only time and a new day will tell us what is happening.
Over to the early morning team and thanks to all of you in California, Australia, Finland, and elsewhere for keeping us updated.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
I have just seen a small movement of dark brown where I think Quackers (middle chick) is, and there was another call which didn't start with a 'quack' so I think Titch (youngest) must still be on the nest camera post. I do not think it is ENS at present, despite appearances! Aha, more feathers seen on the lhs, a call with a quack!!
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
Excuse off-topic post, but not sure whether Lynette follows the Weekly Chat page, so to Lynette and OH: Happy Anniversary, and Happy Birthday to your OH.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Earlier: As someone once said ''Aw Bless....''
I hadn't seen that so very many congrats to you Lynette and OH. Enjoy your day!
Oh yes indeed OG - Lynette VERY many congrats and Have a great birthday :)
Quackers flies off and I think calls from a distance, but Titch still on the post. Alarm calls.
Keep the posts coming Sheila :) I have to go down town now and won't be back until late pm. So, I shall be champing at the bit to see if either youngster brings a fish back to the nest now the weather appears to be clearing up a little. (Well, a girl can dream !)
Quackers (Middle) I think flies back to the nest and is calling and Titch joins in briefly from the post - and joins Quackers (?) on the nest. Oh and he flies off again, possibly not to the post.. Oh and back again, ....but did I hear ODIN chirrup??? or does one of them occasionally sound like him? Both chicks quiet again. but appear to be watching something.
Both standing watching like bookends, but the one I 'think' is quackers (middle) keeps looking over his should in the direction that Titch is looking (ca 2 oclock) . More calling is this food, or is this intruder? Both mantle slightly and off they go again looking to the south. It must be an intruder. Not happy bunnies. Both looking towards the back and now looking left. More calling, more mantling, but not a real shriek as we have heard. Continuing in unison, and looking out towards the back.
Still calling and looking towards the trees at the back. Cannot hear the wind, but the feathers are being blown. Think it has stopped raining, and the 'tear drop' which has been obscuring the screen has dried up. A fluff of the feathers by Titch, another look around, a quick preen and calling continue in unison. I just wonder (hopefully??) that Odin might be around and is sitting eating a fish. This is not intruder call now. Quackers has moved to the (red) branch in the middle which moved under him so he is now on the rhs on the rim looking again towards the trees. Quackers is beside him but looking in the opposite direction. It is now just calling for food, not against an intruder. This has taken over five minutes.