Oh my, everyone must be busy tonight - I know I've been. Only getting green screen right now - ???
Both chicks shouting
Two screechers back on the nest again!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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Am I the only one to think that it is too early to say that EJ is gone for certain? I know that in recent years she has tended to deliver a few fish and go. However in the past she has gone walkabout and then come back later before finally making her departure!
So although she has probably gone there is a possibility she will look in again.
Tiger Signature
Morning all. Lots of speculation I see about EJ's whereabouts.
No Tiger, I have had the same thoughts. If you remember we did discuss this a few days ago when you confirmed the year for me. We need more than 24 hours to be sure that EJ has left.
Tiger - I am of the same opinion .... she hasn't been seen since yesterday morning, but that is not necessarily the same thing as having started her migration!
Hi Tiger just looking in again has there been any fish deliveries today
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Intruder problem seems to be escalating. Both shrieking and mantling.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
What a racket ... I thought there had been a fish delivery, but no, it looks like an intruder alert.
Alison W said: Hi Tiger just looking in again has there been any fish deliveries today
No fish delivered today yet.