Daily Update (LG Nest) Wednesday 18th August

Well, what a funny day we had yesterday.  Comings and goings. EJ in the morning. Odin later on. Two juves screeching away for food which was delivered afternoon and evening.  EJ was seen at breakfast time but not since. Has she left?? We will have to wait to see what today brings.

Thanks once again to all who update us early morning etc sometimes with pics but often with witty comments.

At present the nest is as you can guess empty.  Spotlights have been seen in the area but I failed to snap as was too late to do so. Not sure what it was all about.

Over to the early morning shift - must think about bed as it has gone midnight here.

  • People have been saying that they have not seen this behaviour before. Well maybe a reason for that is that this is the first year that the close up camera has been operational at this stage. I am pretty certain that in the last two years it was the wide view camera that was in use at the end of the season.


  • Must go and find breakfast ... back later!

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Hazel b said:

    People have been saying that they have not seen this behaviour before. Well maybe a reson for that is that this is the first year that the close up camera has been operational at this stage. I am pretty certain that in the last two years it was the wide view camera that was in use at the end of the season.


    --- you are always the voice of common sense & reason, Tiger.  That must be it.

    Morning All, & thanks to the Overnighters for pics and reports (strange lights??  woooo!)

  • Good Morning All.  As always thanks for overnight and earlier reports and great pictures from Joan and Cirrus. Odin and a juvenile seen but no EJ, so she hasn't been seen for 24 hours now.

  • Tiger, I was more interested in the fact that Debbie at LG said last night, that the team at LG say they have not noticed this behaviour before.

  • Yes, it was the other camera Tiger which would switch back to the nest only from time to time. Thank you for your thoughts on the matter.

  • Regarding the  strange lights , It is my understanding that there are volunteers who watch the  nest 24/7 so if there was  suspicious  activity near the nest I am sure they would alert Richard or someone. 

    Now all the  birds can  fly away if there is danger



    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • I thought I had not seen mention of EJ,  Brenda - but did not like to say so, as I have been so absent from the screen over the last few days.  We shall have to wait & see,  as she may be around but we are not aware of it, I suppose.

  • Linda, After Debbie's comment last night, in which she confirmed that EJ hadn't been seen since yesterday's early morning fish delivery, I felt more confident to comment. Maybe Tiger will confirm, but I think I remember one year when EJ was missing for a few days and then returned to the nest before she migrated.

  • I have not seen EJ,  but I didn't come on until  quite late and have not been watching not stop. We  may have missed her.  We will know soon. In the  past when one of them has no been seen for  more than a day the center tells us. Although last year ( I think) they  had not seen EJ for more than  a day and then she  returned . 

    With so little activity this late in the day ( 9:15 a.m.)  I  doubt they are all stiil around. It is  just a matter of who is  still  there.  I saw Odin . Annette saw one  chick 

    Plus I saw Odin  bring  a fish and had no  takers . 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean