Hi everyone.
Thanks for all the great posts, pics, videos etc on yestarday's Daily Update. Seems like it was a momentous day at LG on Monday. Perhaps EJ has set off on another migration to Africa. If so her last appeance on the LG nest in 2010 was something to behold. It was almost as if she was saying: "See you later." to the magnificant Odin, and perhaps even us viewers. She deserves to play to the camera though. She's an absolute star. Can't wait to see her next spring.Rain falling at LG now. Who knows what dramas today will hold.
I'm starting to feel tired, so I'll fly off to roost.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Yes, it is him still calling.
well done Joan:) i thought it was Odin but it was so quick, I'm not sure.
Good morning Margobird:)
Thanks Joan. Stills Camera didn't catch it. Just heard a thump off nest.
I think the 'clonk' must have been the Great Tit which called in to say hello. It that the Chaffinch now? Little Odin-like chirrups as well.
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Unknown said: Great capture Alicat. Definitely Odin. Sounds like his call I can hear too. ( now stopped)
Great capture Alicat. Definitely Odin. Sounds like his call I can hear too. ( now stopped)
thanks Brenda H,
EDIT afternoon margobird glad you are feeling a bit better
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OK, here is that brief visit. So excited just to catch any action!! lol
Thanks Gary. Calm down now before the next brief visit.
you were lucky to capture him with that short viist great clip gary
Thanks Alicat.
Brenda, I have my paper bag ready for the hyperventilation!! lol
I know what you mean Gary. Anything that moves is exciting. I can still hear the occasional chirrup of Odin off nest.