Hallo all.  Have a wonderful week.

  • Lovely, Clare.

    We enjoyed our lunch out - I had chicken wrapped in Parma ham with layered potatoes and some sort of sauce. My OH had a flattened steak and chips. It was relaxing in the country pub, with lots of distancing. We talked to the boss, and he said that they were still doing the 50% off for the whole of September, to encourage people to eat lunches out. Whilst we ate, we spoke about pleasant things, such as future short breaks in the UK, and outings.

    When we got home, there were various letters on the mat. including one from a friend who apologised for missing my birthday, as she had just lost her dear sister. She and her OH have also just been told that his behaviour indicates that he has Alzheimer's. Very sobering.
  • PatO , glad your lunch went off ok. Of course a "business" lunch should be long.

    Lovely pic of the herring gull and crap, Clare.

    Did my online shopping and amended order today but for some reason am not getting my confirmation emails through - this has been going on since the 24th Aug (last one received). Wrote numerous emails, had the odd one back with an order on it but not getting individual ones. Short of ringing them up not sure what else I can do. Can't seem to be able to add the address as a safe sender in my junk folder or address folder. Oh well, just have to wait and see what they say.
  • Thanks CLARE for the gull saga. Captions are so clever.

    I went to bed 1.30 am after watching our Aussie cyclist win the stage. So far i feel fine, but probably I shall need an nanny nap later!

  • Fifty percent of all doctors graduate in the bottom half of their class - Hope your surgery went well! (Simone Elkeles)

    An apple a day keeps the doctor away; an onion a day keeps everyone away. Anon

    The best doctor in the world is the veterinarian. He can't ask his patients what is the matter - he's got to just know. (Will Rogers)

  • Lynette D said:
    Lovely pic of the herring gull and crap, Clare

    The herring gull and what?????  Thanks for starting my day with a healthy burst of laughter!  Glad you like the photo - did you click on it to see the rest?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindybird said:
    When we got home, there were various letters on the mat. including one from a friend who apologised for missing my birthday, as she had just lost her dear sister. She and her OH have also just been told that his behaviour indicates that he has Alzheimer's. Very sobering.

    The poor woman - that's heartbreaking.  I hope they get the help they need.  Alzheimer's is, without a doubt, the disease we dread most.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Annette - Do you have an orange sky? Amazing pictures on our news this morning. Hope it's not too bad where you are.
  • Good morning, ALL. Dry and dull here. Gas repair man is busy dismantling the whole boiler – he’s very quiet. J’s car service yesterday was ok, and it passed its MoT. He wasn’t overjoyed at having to spend time in part of Carlisle, but did use it wisely looking at other car dealers ready for a choice at a later date – not in a hurry to change while he has the pre-paid seven year service agreement.

    Been chatting to Dau#1 on phone. OH started call to SiL about maps we are lending him. He is driving support for our Ex-SiL (Ex of other Dau) who has set himself the challenge of climbing the British Three Peaks, cycling between them! Of course, Covid, which has postponed this from May, could postpone it again. Daughter said GDau# 1is back at work (teaching) but had not found clear rules for restarting her Guides – and now will probably not be able to due to new “Rule of 6”. Other GDau is still staying with her parents awaiting news next week about whether her uni will do live lectures after September.

    CLARE – I had wondered when we would get photos from Felixstowe Ferry. They were great, I really enjoyed them all, and really clear definition. Did you take any of the boats while you were there? I wonder whether the ferry is running now?

    LINDA – good that you could start to discuss future UK breaks among the doom and gloom of Boris yesterday – but at least he has realised the need to be seen to be doing something! Sorry your friend’s letter contained her bad news. As we get older, we gradually get more and more sad news about those we know.

    AQ – hope you got that nap – but of course you will be staying awake for the next stage now! Thanks for the Doctor quotes. We have a famous veterinarian in the UK (he’s actually Irish) who features on TV, fitting often experimental prosthetics, and I often say I wish he was treating my legs!

    OH has just gone into town to take some of my flinging to the Sue Ryder shop. It includes my sewing machine, which is 50 years old and still works well - a bit sad admitting I can no longer use it.
  • Great pics, CLARE, saw them all!
    I'm worrying about my brother , he is in hospital in Pontivy having had what seems to have been a small stroke. He went to bed the night before last, aware that he had lost sensation in his arm and leg and only woke his wife several hours later when it spread to his face etc. They both knew about the 'pins and needles' ( his description)when they went to bed,apparently....Oh dear.. Anyway, he is hooked up to various things,and has had scans etc, I await further news. BBL
  • HEATHER - so sorry about the news from France. I hope your Sister-in-law will keep you up-to-date, and that your brother will make a full and speedy recovery..