Hallo all.  Have a wonderful week.

  • Yay! It worked!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Wonderful photos, Clare--thanks for posting! Like Hazel, I love the one of the Gull looking straight at you. What a face!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thank you, Clare - lovely pictures. I seem to remember Felixstowe Ferry is one of your favourite places.
  • It is indeed. We were particularly lucky earlier this season when loads of whimbrels appeared on the nearby golf course - along with the short-eared owl! Oh, and one of the skylarks decided to have a sand bath in one of the bunkers one evening. Joyful.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I think wildlife really appreciated the long period when golf courses were closed. Now they are having to work out the new normal since golfers were let back onto the courses. My sympathies are split - as a golfer and a wildlife watcher.
  • It's undoubtedly better with golfers there. I lost count of how many people let their dogs loose on the links, clearly not caring in the slightest what they left behind them. Too many dog owners should not be allowed anywhere near one.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hey, folks. This is just a word of warning. Facebook has gone down in much of the eastern U.S. and Mexico. It's a big, impressive outage! It looks to me like it could be spreading to eastern Europe, although it's still very mild there on the outage map. I thought I'd let folks know, so that you won't think your own personal system has failed if your region goes down, too. Outage map is HERE.

  • Oh, wow!

    This looks like a major Internet outage. Most of the big websites (Amazon, YouTube, Google, electric companies, etc.) have gone down. HERE

    It's hitting the entire United States, not just the east. 

  • Great photos of the seal and gull Clare.

    Annette - enjoy your time with the family. Let's hope the journey home when they do will be just as traffic free.

    We are now having social lockdowns re number of people who can meet together - maximum of 6 , weddings and funerals can still meet with up to 30 and churches can meet but that may all change. New guidance takes effect on Monday.. Its all the rages that the young people are having. - they don't realise that they are putting the rest of us at risk. I can appreciate they are frustrated at not being able to meet together and are missing their social interactions but, times like this, they just have to step up and be a little more responsible.
  • Lovely, Clare.

    We enjoyed our lunch out - I had chicken wrapped in Parma ham with layered potatoes and some sort of sauce. My OH had a flattened steak and chips. It was relaxing in the country pub, with lots of distancing. We talked to the boss, and he said that they were still doing the 50% off for the whole of September, to encourage people to eat lunches out. Whilst we ate, we spoke about pleasant things, such as future short breaks in the UK, and outings.

    When we got home, there were various letters on the mat. including one from a friend who apologised for missing my birthday, as she had just lost her dear sister. She and her OH have also just been told that his behaviour indicates that he has Alzheimer's. Very sobering.