Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 August 2020


I hope everyone has a safe, healthy, joyful week! 

The full Harvest Moon is 2 September. It's late on the night of 1 September for Annette.

For the gardeners on this thread, HERE is a photo of cardinal flowers blooming on the prairie at a state park near my hometown. Cardinal flowers (lobelia cardinalis) are wildflowers native to our prairie. It's a member of the Bluebell family. They depend on hummingbirds for pollination. I just thought they were a happy sight.

  • Just a thought

    Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try. (Jack Canfield)

  • That was a test as not sure if it always works on my mobile.
    Dry here, so w. machine is already merrily going round. Will watch some stuff we recorded on the TV at the weekend, whilst I do all the ironing which will ensue.

    Glad you got to see some bits of N Wales, AQ. There are several lines there with restored trains still operating. Sadly a lot of them dont allow dogs as passengers so are impossible for us. Including the route to the very top of Mount Snowdon, a famous one and you need to book a seat to get on. Fabulous views from the summit, but only if there's no low cloud! So not much point in booking unless there are several cloud free days ahead! I could go up on my own & leave my OH at the base, as he walked the route once in his younger days (& could see nothing from the top when he got there!) But we never get around to booking me in.
  • Clare so good to hear from you! I can't believe its been 11 years since this all began. I do remember sitting at my dining table at my laptop for ages watching the various sites. My Daughter would get so annoyed at the noise so I had to keep it turned low. I so remember the excitement when the Ospreys returned.

    I also was glued to the Loch of the Lowes site when Lady became ill and then her miraculous recovery. Lots of happy memories of the different people that used to belong to this group.

    Lets hope it continues for many years to come as it a comfort in time of trouble and lovely to tell everyone about the good times as well.

    Re the RSPB - I am still a member but also belong to the Suffolk Wildlife Trust, which I like better plus they send a magazine and other bits for my Granddaughter and we always enter the competitions. She was lucky enough to win a lovely book in the last one. My nest door neighbour worked for the RSPB for 13 years but has now left and works for SWT which she enjoys much more.I am planning a trip soon to the new Carlton Marsh reserve to see how the new visitor centre is coming on.

    Well its Friday at last and here in Suffolk its not a bad day and tomorrow looks ok as well. Have a good weekend everyone!

  • Unknown said:
    My nest door neighbour worked for the RSPB for 13 years but has now left and works for SWT which she enjoys much more.

    Are you next door to Louise??????

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Yes I am! And I used to go on all the One Life Suffolk Health Walks so I know a few of the volunteers as well but of course there have been none since lockdown.

  • Please give her our best - it just wasn't the same at Minsmere when she left. I'm so pleased she's enjoying her new job.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • aquilareen said:
    My OH is self-conscious of his shaking when eating out and I keep saying it doesn’t matter.

    Limpy is at his most self-conscious in a public toilet ........ I keep telling him to use a cubicle and not the urinal!!  He has had some very strange looks.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare -yes I will mention you and Limpy to Louise when I see her!

    BTW  -   Its National Fish & Chips day so for the first time since lockdown I am treating myself to meal cooked by someone else!

    Ive still not been in a pub or restaurant - but our local F&C shops lets you order and pay online and pick a collection time so I am giving it a try Slight smile

  • Unknown said:
    I will mention you and Limpy to Louise when I see her!

    Lovely - thanks for that!

    Unknown said:
    our local F&C shops lets you order and pay online and pick a collection time so I am giving it a try

    Ours does the same.  It should be fine - we've had no problems.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.