Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 August 2020


I hope everyone has a safe, healthy, joyful week! 

The full Harvest Moon is 2 September. It's late on the night of 1 September for Annette.

For the gardeners on this thread, HERE is a photo of cardinal flowers blooming on the prairie at a state park near my hometown. Cardinal flowers (lobelia cardinalis) are wildflowers native to our prairie. It's a member of the Bluebell family. They depend on hummingbirds for pollination. I just thought they were a happy sight.

  • Clare: Eleven years! That's a lot of words!!

  • Clare:  So wonderful to get an update from you and to hear that Limpy is doing well and that Clare is earning money!!  :-)  Do stay in touch.

    OH is reorganizing his office today and is waiting to disconnect everything..... back later.

  • Hi! Wet day – rivers of water running down the street, garden across the road has developed a mud lake! Nobody fully grumpy today – except that OH couldn’t mow. J had a phone consultation with one of the partners at the surgery; he suspects inflammatory arthritis – blood test Monday. Meanwhile he is returning to work tomorrow. My hole in my leg has got worse – very oozy – so will probably have to see nurses again next week.

    Thanks for all posts – pleased to get Good News from CLARE after a difficult time, and so pleased how well Limpy has been coping, and that Helen has work. Do join in more – especially when you have birdy photos to share from your days out!

    Good to hear that you are home safely, LINDA, despite the rain. OH decided he wasn’t going out in today’s heavy rain to pick runner beans – I think it may be just “light showers” tomorrow.

    ANNETTE - I hope your OH will get his office just how he wants it!

    Think an evening in front of TV is now needed!
  • Good evening all, Glad to hear that you are back home Lindy. Thanks for all the lovely photos.

    Good to hear from Clare. Eleven years! I remember watching the Loch Garten nest cam when the picture changed every minute (or was it two?). I thought that was wonderful at the time.

    Annette, OH's office is needing a lot of reorganizing. Hope he manages to get it to his liking.

    Sorry about the worsening hole in your leg OG. These sort of things can be difficult to clear up, but hope the nurse can improve the situation.

    My OH received a text yesterday evening giving an appointment for the oncology clinic. Not a very subtle way to tell someone that they have cancer!
  • Oh dear, Rosy. I hope the appointment is for in the near future. Sounds as if you both need lots of questions answering. Thinking of you.
  • Shopping excursion in city centre this morn. Could not get track pants OH needed as they only had remnants of winter stock, but stores always get their summer goods in August. I managed to get my makeup that I was told a year ago was not being stocked anymore; work that one out. To bookshop for Miss-soon-to-be-9’s birthday; couldn’t decide and took 3 books, after all C-mas is coming. I found anniversary cards for offspring – can you believe they have been married 10 years? Dawdled over funny cards for sis-i-l; they were not funny, and then just missed the bus. Had 15 min wait at opposite end of seat from a bloke with bare feet & a bloody big toe. Isn’t the world out there interesting!!! Arrived home to find OH had not gone out, had not had lunch. I threw together a quick sandwich. Fell asleep on lounge, well, I did watch cycling until it finished at 1 am. Nearly time to think about tea <sigh> so passes another day.

  • I see you decided not to leave home.
    I had to. . . I walked all the way around the block. . . my life didn’t get any better, so I came home. (Peanuts cartoon)

    No matter where you go. There you are.

  • Unknown said:
    My OH received a text yesterday evening giving an appointment for the oncology clinic. Not a very subtle way to tell someone that they have cancer!

    Whoever arranged for that to be sent without even speaking to him needs to be removed from the Health Service.  What a lack of empathy that shows.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning, all. We went somewhere completely different yesterday - up the coast to the beautiful Winterton in Norfolk. Now all we have to do is work out whether the seals we snapped were grey or common!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning. Fine so far – rain later, so OH is picking beans now and cleaning kitchen and dining room later. J went to work as intended. I snoozed an hour after breakfast!

    ROSY – that is disgraceful that your OH was given a diagnosis in that way – a nasty shock for you both.

    AQ – I remember reading about your Daughters’ weddings – is that really so long ago? Strange observations in town!

    CLARE – usual problem with seals – it will probably turn out that they are the opposite of what you think – if they seem common they will be grey and if they look grey they will be common. Either way, good to see them! Very many years since we visited Winterton – eldest was a baby and she is now 50! And a photo of OH looking really thin!

    Really must get on and do something with the day!