Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 August 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy week. Not much summer left now. 

Here's a photo--taken by Indiana's official state photographer--showing one of our Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds

Also, I found out that my hometown area (which is about an hour north of where I live now) has a breeding pair of Mississippi Kites. These aerial raptors normally reside in the deep south, and Indiana has only a few pair in the entire state. Click the arrows to see all three photos if you're interested. 

Take care and be strong, all. 

  • Our cat had the same, PAT!
    I looked online and there is a fish called the Southern Blue Whiting, similar to a small cod and quite highly prized where AQ is.

  • Rain here again this morning, in the form of showers. Had a walk on "our" beach but it was very stony since the storms, so hard work not to turn my ankle. As we returned, the heavens opened!

    Decided to go all out and finish our big jigsaw, lent to us by a neighbour here. As we progressed and got to the last two dozen pieces, something shocking was evident: all the remaining bits of puzzle were dark. But two very light coloured pieces were still vacant :-( Indeed, as my OH triumphantly stuck in the last piece, they were still empty. I remembered that yesterday, I took something soggy and blue out of Bonnies mouth. We checked, and the tiny bits in the bin were the same blue as the cardboard backing on the puzzle pieces..... oh dear.
  • Just switched to my phone so I can show the nearly finished puzzle:  lots of jars, packet, & bottles showing the packaging of yesteryear.

  • Oh dear, LINDY - hope your neighbours will be understanding! Do they have dogs?
  • Good afternoon.

    Update: J is off work – aching limbs, no fever, no cough, no loss of smell and taste, thankfully. I am aching all over, not just the normal pains and very lethargic; leg thingy is improving. E-E is fed up with both of us, but also not quite himself. Weather – slowly improving – dry but cooler today.

    Hairdresser has been and the haircut and the general chat have made me feel a bit better. She has cut it back shorter so I am hoping there isn’t enough to develop curls this time!

    AQ – loved the quote about chickens not having to explain why they cross the road!

    LINDA – that looks a good jigsaw, but sad about Bonnie’s contribution! I am sure the neighbours will be okay – just sounds like that oft-quoted “the dog ate my homework”!

    We finished the Elders’ alterations to the Ch Mag yesterday so OH will print Saturday morning then we shall have a quiet weekend. Two very late items which appeared yesterday I am holding over for the next one – they are both titled September and October, so it won’t matter.

  • Lindy - That looks like a fun jigsaw. Someone has lent me one which is a sort of cartoony beach scene, absolutely packed with people doing various things, with 1000 pieces. Haven't had the nerve to start it yet - but you have spurred me on!

    OG - Hope you all feel better soon. I think a lot of certainly my 'off' days are because we still can't see an end to the present situation. I found myself behaving like a spoilt child this morning - not quite stamping my foot, but pretty close! And all totally unnecessary. Glad you have got the magazine ready for printing. I think I bit off rather more than I expected when I said I would produce a weekly news sheet instead of the monthly magazine! It's often very difficult to find appropriate articles when nothing much is happening in the church. At least this week one page was taken up with 'rules' for starting services next month. Other than that, it's finding articles that are educational, informative, inspirational, humorous ... not always easy! Particularly as one of my main sources publishes on a Friday, so by the next week it can be totally out of date! Hey ho - magazine editors have always had similar problems!!
  • OG - hope that you three will feel better tomorrow x
  • OG: I hope you all kick whatever bug is ailing you. I'm sending healing energy to you tonight. You are in my thoughts.
  • Heather B said:
    Oh dear, LINDY - hope your neighbours will be understanding! Do they have dogs?

    No, they don't, but they're always happy to pat ours and say that they're used to dogs. However.....   My OH went on a rant & said that we should never have borrowed the puzzle, and this is what happens, etc. etc.  I said not much, and held my tongue as I suspect that it was probably his large elbow which knocked some pieces onto the floor. 

    This afternoon, found an exact same puzzle on Amazon so we can replace it. We will then keep the defective one. Meanwhile, the neighbours are not here this week to ask if we've had a go at it, yet. Just as well.

  • OG: Sorry you're all ailing. I hope it turns out to be just a small infection which will soon disappear.