Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 August 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy week. Not much summer left now. 

Here's a photo--taken by Indiana's official state photographer--showing one of our Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds

Also, I found out that my hometown area (which is about an hour north of where I live now) has a breeding pair of Mississippi Kites. These aerial raptors normally reside in the deep south, and Indiana has only a few pair in the entire state. Click the arrows to see all three photos if you're interested. 

Take care and be strong, all. 

  • OG - pleased to hear its not an ulcer and can be treated pronto.

    Diane - heard on our news about Hurricane Laura, thankfully you are nowhere near it are you. It will be devasting for that Southern coastline as they always seem to get the worst of the hurricanes.
  • Lindybird - the scenery is lovely all round there, valleys, the hills, little chapels dotted about, . Wish I was there again.
  • LINDY: Your photos are lovely! I enjoyed seeing them. Wales is such a beautiful country. Very picturesque! I hope you're enjoying your stay, since you didn't get many trips there this year.

    LYNETTE: No, I'm far from the hurricane. I did spend a lot of time on the Gulf of Mexico back when I was married. Thanks. Hope you're well.

  • LINDA – Thanks for views & lovely little chapel. It looks like some of ours on Yorke Peninsula, not surprising as we had Welsh smelters & Cornish miners come here in 1800s.

    We last went out to dinner in February. The problem is always that if OH has been out to lunch, he doesn’t want another big meal. But if he has not been out to lunch he can’t be bothered sprucing himself up in “good” clothes. Last night we dined at Henley Beach. He had 2 entrees – scallops & prawns. I had fish, chips & salad. The poor little whiting were so small, they should have been thrown back! Very tasty though and I had enough space then for a choc brownie. That too was yum but more mud cake than brownie. The sun was setting over the sea as we arrived and we had a seat in corner window. I was surprised how busy it was for a Wednesday. Tables well spaced, minimal contact with waitress (pour own water; excess cutlery, salt & pepper not cleared while we were at table). Sanitizer prominent (I had my own).

  • Just a thought

    When I hear somebody sigh, “Life is hard”, I am always tempted to ask, “Compared to what?” (Sydney Harris)

  • Lindybird:  Loved the photos; it was like being transported to a peaceful place where the hateful Orange Menace holds no sway.

    AQ;  I could really do with a  dinner out.  I saw that our favorite fish place has extended their outdoor patio greatly with tables spaced well apart.  Shall have to mention it to OH, who's currently out buying a new shredder....

    Diane: I see that TV in Galveston crew has unwound the tower on their van....    Lots of sightseers.....aren't they supposed to be evacuating?  

    I'm contemplating a trip down to Ikea in Burbank in search of a cheap-and-cheerful chair for my room.   Missed buying a nifty little bookshelf on our neighborhood site last evening - was the perfect size.  Somebody will enjoy it.

  • Lovely morning puttering around Port Adelaide with camera. Some of the former bank buildings are quite impressive, sort of  Greek temple-ish; two briefly became restaurants, now residential apartments. A group of MAMILS having coffee in fresh air. Few other people around.  I popped into library and found 3 books to while away the hours until Tour de France begins Saturday eve. Some late nights coming up, knitting ready and waiting!

    Hurricane Laura looks immense. Don’t like that word unsurvivable.

  • Good morning. OH shopping a day early due to haircuts tomorrow. Weather – the usual.

    LINDA – lovely Welsh scenery – thanks for sharing. Enjoy the remainder of your stay.

    AQ – pleased you and OH managed a meal out. We had fish for dinner yesterday – but I took one look and sniff and decided it was too “fishy” for me, so I just had veg with parsley sauce.

    Nothing much going on today! Hoping to find the motivation to discuss the new kitchen. Don’t really want the planning hassle – need someone to design and fit while I keep out the way!
  • AQ - I had to Google MAMIL ...
    Good that you enjoyed your meal out. I haven't done it yet but missing the lunch dates with daughters. Not all three at once but it's something to look forward to. When will that be, I wonder?
  • I had to laugh - granddaughter Mia's reaction to the new rules about secondary school pupils wearing face coverings in corridors etc - ( she is 15 and just under 6 feet tall). ' But I'm already practising social distancing, vertically ! '.