Hi all,
Its was a day of action again, stealing of fish from EJ and Odin, Odin trying to get fish off EJ, GEMs trying to get in on the act, its was all happening yesterday.
We learnt that one youngster had fished for himself and indeed two might have learnt for themselves but that is not confirmed.
Will today see more action or will it be a quiet day. Thanks to all who open up the posts in the middle of our night and keep us going so we know what has been happening. Even in the wee small hours when most of us here are in our beds you let us know whats been happening.
There were some fantastic pictures yesterday - keep it up team - we love them and can't have enough of them.
This is the nest at 12.16am. Over to the night shift.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Clip of Odins fish delivery:
Catching up again, thanks for posts, pics, and funny speculative narrative..
Oops one osprey just few by. One has just returned to the nest shouting its head off. Supper please, mum.
and off he goes again, got fed up with waiting.
night vision just gone one at 9.35pm
Hello all from Scotland-just written on the main blog about my 2nd visit to LG today and meeting Chris Packham and Richard all in one day-see main blog. So pleased also saw the Lady at Loch Lowes on Monday as it looks as if she may have migrated yesterday morning. Be back on next week when back in southern Britain.
Thanks Jillian:) Glad you had a nice day
Hello Everyone
Been posted missing for the past week as at I am now mum to a little rescued dog (7 month old Westie) called Bobby. He is adorable, hard work but rewarding.
Hoping to spend more time with my GEMS soon and glad of all the updates.
Wondered what had happened to you - lovely little Dog!! How wonderful to be able to give him a home.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Unknown said: Hello all from Scotland-just written on the main blog about my 2nd visit to LG today and meeting Chris Packham and Richard all in one day-see main blog. So pleased also saw the Lady at Loch Lowes on Monday as it looks as if she may have migrated yesterday morning. Be back on next week when back in southern Britain. JILLIAN
Glad you have aquired a new dog Margos hope he gives you hours of enjoyment.