Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 August 2020


The moon turns new (the dark moon) on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. This is a rare "Black Moon," the third new moon in a season with four new moons. Each season has three months and three new moons. When a season has four new moons, the third new moon is sometimes called a "Black Moon" in popular culture.

Everyone have a wonderful, safe, and healthy week!!!

  • Yes, off to Wales, this time for a whole week. Most of the time we just grab four or five days at most - I dont like to keep my OH from his golf for too long. But we are trying to catch up on the many days there we have missed this year, due to the Covid (For those outside the UK, the Welsh Government closed the country to outsiders at the worst of the lockdown). We may also take another long break later on, as we will not be having our usual foreign trip this autumn. We were booked to go to Crete for 2 weeks this September, and could even have gone, but no way did we want to sit in an airport or on a plane at the moment!

    Off to bed now as weary again. But it may be partly due to the red wine in my glass.....  Heather, I only got hold of the statins yesterday, and will begin to take them on Monday alongside my other medications which I start every Monday to keep them all in step.