Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 August 2020


The moon turns new (the dark moon) on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. This is a rare "Black Moon," the third new moon in a season with four new moons. Each season has three months and three new moons. When a season has four new moons, the third new moon is sometimes called a "Black Moon" in popular culture.

Everyone have a wonderful, safe, and healthy week!!!

  • Yes, we have reached that age. . . when every compliment we get is usually followed by “for your age”. You’re still looking great though. . .  for your age!

    Middle age is when you realize you’ll never live long enough to try all the recipes you’ve spent 30 years clipping out of newspapers and magazines. (Bill Vaughan)

    Just remember the more candles on the cake, the bigger the cake you’ll get! Now who’s laughing?

  • Heather: Shame about your step-daughter; hope she's more or less okay with the split. Take care and don't worry about responding to all our musings.
  • AQ - I should have said - yes I have had 2 tests now. One before i got ill as I took part in a study for Imperial College London and then another that the doc asked to me do. I had to drive to a mobile testing unit about 10 miles away and both came back negative. At no point have I had a temperature or any of the other symptoms so I hope they were accurate!

  • Good Morning. Showery here, so my OH and Bonnie had to wait for the rain to ease off before their morning walk. He has decided to miss out his golf this morning as most of the other players in his group have dropped out.

    We are going out to lunch! Booked for one of the specials today in a country pub, where we feel we will feel safer than in a busy town pub. So just a bit of toast tonight, as we will be replete.

    AQ -- Like the quotes. Especially relevant is the one about recipe clippings....... I must have hundreds, but hardly ever "do" any of them.

    Heather -- Hope you're resting. I didn't have time to comment yesterday, but we had to have a piece of conservatory glass replaced once, as a boy threw a stone at it (his mother paid for it when we discovered who he was) and we were surprised at the relatively low cost.
  • Hi. To ALL. Had a weird day yesterday. Made a couple of online orders in the morning along with OH. In particular, ordered him a new office chair as I have taken his for the dining table so I can swivel in – makes it much less painful. Had to have early lunch to be ready for Physiotherapy phone call, then nearly an hour talking with her. She didn’t know that I have the two kinds of arthritis and therefore the two consultants, and also didn’t know that I can’t walk without crutches or frame. She asked me to do a number of movements and tell her how far I managed them. They left me in agony the rest of the day and through the night. She is modifying some exercises to send me, and will phone again 7th September.

    J had had to use the stairs at work to escort a number of separate pupils throughout the day, so he came home with bad knees. He has gone today with walking stick, and OH had to drive him and will fetch him back at 3:30.

    Today the weather is not very encouraging and we started the morning by baking Blueberry muffins; OH is now washing up.

    Thanks for all the posts.

    HEATHER – sorry you are so low after all your worries. I hope today is a better day for you.

    AQ – liked the age quotes!

    HARELADY – sorry about the chest infection, I hope the latest ABs work.

    LINDA – I hope you will really enjoy the special lunch. You are braver than we are!
  • Morning all:

    AQ:  Somehow missed your last post about Hallett Cove; wonder what they'll do with the wood if they replace the walkway with recycled plastic - recycle the wood?    Glad I'm not the only one with recipes that have never been tried. I'm afraid to throw too many out because it will reveal the true extent of my - ahem - culinary interest.

    Lindybird:  Let us know how the lunch went - social distancing?  

    Off to Trader Joe's before it gets too warm.  In case you missed it, the huge kerfuffle over the US Post Office and the guy in charge (surprise! a Trump donor!!) reached a head this week when our very busy local P.O. removed two drive-by post boxes outside the main office.  Letters, tweets, demonstrations ensued and they were returned last evening, but......     Meanwhile, I've signed up to send handwritten notes to Democratic voters in the swing states (which could go either way in November) to urge them to vote - and vote early.   Yikes.

  • Good evening everyone. Good to read all the news, although some not so good. Best thoughts to Heather and Harelady.

    OH had his biopsy yesterday. All went well for him, but a Comedy of errors for me!
    Everything went wrong that could go wrong. I won't go into the details, but communication was bad. The hospital phoned so early, he was barely out of the anaesthetic, It started raining just as the taxi arrived so I was closing windows. Then it absolutely bucketed down, so I grabbed a raincoat, but, although I only had to walk down our steps and cross the pavement, I got soaked. I forgot to pick up the piece of paper with the phone number I needed to tell the nurse that I was downstairs (not allowed in the hospital).
    Oh! I have gone into the details, or some of them. A bigger wet patch on the ceiling when we got home. A mile up the road was completely dry.
    Anyway, OH was understandably rather weary for the rest of the day, but feeling better today.
    Ten years ago, I could have taken all this in my stride, but now it is hard work.
  • Love them, AQ.

    OG - Hope the soreness eases off for you. Hope J recovers as well. Well done for the blueberry muffins, send some over they sound delicious.

    Been a much better day down here and managed to leave the washing out all day. Dau arrived home safely after spending a few days with a friend down in Wiltshire..

    Have booked a table for lunch at a local hostelry on Monday as its OH's birthday and our WA so should make for a pleasant lunch out after being in all this time.
  • Nanny duty this afternoon. S-i-l has been working from home but has to go into work today for a meeting. That means he can’t do school pickup, followed by Trio’s swimming lessons. Then I shall have to assist with hairwashing (joy oh joy). Dau’s hand is various rainbow colours. No idea how late I shall be; I am leaving a mini homemade shepherds pie for OH to heat. Lots of banging from Grand Design. This week it is 12 months since they demolished the previous house.

  • Just a thought

    Reading is to the mind, as exercise is to the body. (Brian Tracy)