Daily Update (LG Nest) Wednesday 4th August

Hi folks,   not a lot has happened yesterday..  There was some acitivity in the morning and very little in the afternoon/evening unless I missed anything.

Are they perhaps getting ready for migration. We non't see the GEM's on the nest quite so frequently now, could they be fishing themselves or are EJ and Odin dropping fish into trees as was suggested yesterday, for them to pick up.  This is a part of the ospreys life that we don't know much about but what a preveledge to watch them through all these weeks growing up.  I'm prattling on just for something to say.  I'll hand over tothe night staff and leave you with a poinant reminder of the nest. --  DESSERTED!!

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  • Thanks Lynette

    Well, 2.15am and the scene on the nest hasn't changed at all!

    See you all tomorrow/later today

  • Evening all:  Nest empty right now and I'm visiting with daughter, so not sticking around.  Do feel like I'm letting you all down, but am really tired....

  • Eldest just arrived in a flurry and is yelling his head off . He is not mantling so he must see someone with a fish 

    Still  yelling non-stop !!   I saw a bird fly  past the nest and now he is  mantling just a little .   I still think he sees someone with a fish. 

    Now  another one in the background is   answering his calls .  He is  doing the "EJ air traffic controller dance", where she   paces  around in circles  just before she backs up for Odin to land

    Now he is not  yelling as much and is  searching the sky and area, but facing  the camera tree where EJ roosts . 

    He just flew off toward the camera tree on the right and  I can hear him yelling in the tree. LOL  He is  going to yell  in someone's  face until They  give him their fish LOL 

    He  inherited  EJ's nagging skill :) 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • What happened ?? They were all yelling  from the tree. EJ ( I think ) came rushing to the nest . Eldest  came bolting in  and  she immediately  flew off as if she had been chased off. Or was that an intruder?? 

    It happened so fast  I am not sure it was EJ.  It had adult feathers like EJ's 

    Eldest is on the nest  again yelling and  jumping around  like he is marking territory . Now he flew off.  Now I hear Odin's ( or Eldest's )  alarm  chirp . Eldest sounds like Odin so  unless I  can see the  bird I don't know  who is doing it. 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • EJ just brought a  headless fish and  Eldest grabbed  it . She  immediately flew off, with a look like  "get me away from this crazy bird". .  Titch is watching from a "safe distance"  as Eldest has his  "hunger temper tantrum" . He is being down right nasty!!    He is  screeching and   flapping his wings  while  he  jumps up and down  with the fish  in his talons.  He is jumping all over the nest . Now he just flew off with the fish . Titch is standing there  wondering  what happened . 

    It must be a Full Moon , the  crazies are out. Titch just flew right into the  camera on the nest ! All I could see was the " underside" of his  wing. 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Titch flew off. Middle came for a few minutes and was calling for food .  Middle flew off  and now it is an Empty Nest 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Eldest  to the nest to defend it.!! Screeching and  mantling like  crazy . Now it looks like Titch joined in and is also  screeching and mantling.  Eldest just flew off and is back.  . Flew off again and I can hear him in the background alarm calling. Titch still on the nest 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Fish delivery. Snatched by Titch. Another GEM flies in. Titch so busy vocalising that he doesn't eat.

    EDIT. Sorry. I was just getting my windows sorted and missed seeing who but I think it was EJ who delivered fish.

  • EJ just delivered another fish . It looks like Titch (I think)  has  it, Middle tried to pinch it,  but Titch  fought back and kept the fish. He is now   grumbling and  squeaking at his fish. 

    Middle went to  EJ who was at the edge of the nest  and  told her he  also wanted a fish. She  flew off, maybe to bring another  fish. Where is Odin ?? Isn't he supposed to make a contribution to feeding this brood? 

    EDIT Titch is eating while grumbling and  talking to his fish.

    Middle is loudly calling non-stop for a fish! And sounding  quite upset 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • I don't blame Odin for keeping away with that racket on the nest. Why doesn't Titch get on with eating instead of screaming about it!!!!!!!!!!!

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