MANTON BAY – AUGUST 2020 to end of FEBRUARY 2021

Continued from Manton Bay – July 2020.  

The history of the Manton Bay nest, breeding stats and links to previous threads can be found here    

The season so far:  The resident pair both returned on 16 March - Blue 33(11) at 07:12 and Maya at 13:16.   Maya, for the second consecutive year, laid four eggs – the first on 29 March with the other three first seen 4, 6 and 9 April.   Maya and Blue 33(11) faithfully incubated the four eggs and on day 38, chick #1 hatched 6 May c 13:20 followed by chick #2 on 8 May c 06:10, chick #3 on 10 May c14:45, and chick #4 on 13 May c20:45.   On 16 June the chicks were ringed with their blue darvics – Chick #1- 080, Chick #2- 081, Chick #3-082 and Chick #4-083.  On 26 June, Blue 080, aged 51 days, fledged at 16:03 followed by Blue 082, aged 50 days, at 06:15 on 29 June, Blue 081, aged 54 days at 16:03 on 1 July and Blue 083, aged 55 days at 07:30 on 7 July.

Maya and Blue 33(11) have done a tremendous job rearing their family and 33 once more has proved himself to be a fantastic provider as there has not been one day this season when he has failed to bring in fish for his family.

Thanks to their fantastic parents, Blue 080, 081, 082 and 083 have had the best possible start in life growing into strong, healthy young ospreys and soon will go their separate ways setting off south on their first migration.    

Webcam\Copyright:  © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

  • Sadly he's back empty taloned! Now back on tree ignoring them all!
  • Perhaps too blustery LAM.

    I saw 33 off balance a couple of times this morning.  

    081 wont be too happy and I expect will continue yelling :-)

  • Thank you Karen I will keep you informed of any events of interest. 081 bless him has got a distorted yell from all his yelling :-)
  • 13:21    checking and see that 081 is back on the nest and calling

     © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

    Can only check on the nest now and then as I have to do some gardening!! 

  • FISH @ 15:03   -     I hope you saw this LAM :-)

    33 arrives with a huge fish!

    15:04    080 joins 33 

    33 is standing on the fish - it is still living

    15:05     33 flies off with the fish 

     © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

  • 15:13     080 remained on the nest calling

    15:16     080 flew off

    15:17     081 arrives

     © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

  • Yes we did indeed Karen. The fish was so big we saw him flying to the nest with it. He then took off and flew miles with it. He's looking for quiet place to eat the head! He went very high almost dropped it but not thank goodness!! They are all getting quite protective over fish now and wanting to take it to a perch. The juveniles sadly are dropping the whale like ones! Such a pity when it's been so hard for 33 to fish. Maya has been out trying a couple of times but not successful!
  • Fantastic you saw it LAM - yes it is a whopper!

    Interesting what you say about the juveniles dropping the fish and actually what I have suspected especially when they return to the nest and start fish calling after not long having got a fish!  But some of the fish are huge and I would not expect the youngsters to have the strength of an adult yet to hold them. 
    33 must be a very strong male - hope he enjoys his fish.

    Interesting too that you are seeing Maya attempt to fish - hopefully she is successful but no doubt we should see 33 arrive back at the nest once he has had his share.

    As always - thanks for the updates :-)

  • You're very welcome Karen and again thank you for all your continued updates to the nest following especially so this year as it has meant so much to us all.
    It has been particularly strong winds creating waves on the water! 33 seems to head off in the direction of the fish farm when he is struggling with the conditions! I wonder if he's kept that quiet from Maya and she doesn't know about that place!! It's really strange because of the distance away from the nest it is much easier to see the detail on the webcam! Hope they get the money for their appeal and we get something more on a par with the Welsh nests!
  • I wondered if he had perhaps visited Gwash Trout Farm LAM - certainly makes sense with the weather.

    I know 33 does fish there but I don't think I have ever read of Maya been seen fishing there??  

    And likewise, I really do hope they raise the required funds for their new webcam.



    081 remains on the nest - waiting on superdad returning with that fish!

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust