DYFI DAILY OBS & CAPTURES - AUGUST 2020 to end of season

Congratulations to Ems and all at the ©Dyfi Osprey Project, you have kept a great service going throughout this difficult time.


From this:

To this:

... in no time at all ;)

Compliments of ALISON:

"KC7 (Bob1) is Tywi (pronounced Toe-wee) and KC6 (Bob2) is Teifi (pronounced Tay-vee)"

Brought forward from 01 July, the proud and prolifically provisioning parents:


All pictures and videos:


  • patily said:
    Tywi certainly looks dishevelled

    I just thought maybe he had an unsuccessful fishing adventure and was then rewarded by Idris!

    No, I have not been around. I had a bad shock around Xmas/New Year and have had to recover, but I've mostly recently just been checking in.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Sorry to hear that CC Hope things are settling down a bit now
  • One on Monty's perch tucking in and the other onthe cam-post protesting loudly
  • patily said:
    Sorry to hear that CC Hope things are settling down a bit now

    Yes, thank you, things are "normalizing," whatever that means for a time like this! Love you guys...

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • There have been three intruders around the nest for about an hour and a half now! Blue 014 from Poole and two males from Scotland, 284 and LJ2. They are all two-year-olds. Idris has returned with a fish and is well confused. Teifi on the nest screeching. Telyn and Tywi nowhere to be seen. All very exciting drama!
  • Sorry to hear that things have not been good for you CC, hope you are doing okay and coping and getting through this awful times that we all find ourselves in. You take care, good to see you popping back to the forum, especially with your lovely Osprey drawing, I love them, a favourite of mine. CL x

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • I am just catching up and was so sorry to hear that life has been difficult for you CC. I do sincerely trust that things are, and will continue to improve for you. I am sure all our thoughts are with you.
    Wow, what an amazing couple of hours at Dyfi. It is clear that singletons are doing the rounds looking for prospective sites! Roll on next year. Folk will have to be busy over the winter months putting nesting platforms!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 11 August - Dyfi Intruder Day!

    Am semi-conscious now, but must add some snaps so we have the events of the day in our thread, albeit highly uncomprehensive and uneducated.

    KC6 was looking forward to an uncomplicated, sunny day:

    284 on the perch, 014 on the nest - the brass neck of them both Open mouth

    284 had his talons curtailed by the zoomer, who had no opportunity to correct it because...

    014 gave him an accidental slap and he flew off:

    014 on the perch:

    She got on the nest with an unwelcoming KC6 for a short while:

    I've got an awful feeling my editor is set for the dark Starr Ranch Barn Owl cavity, oh well... Thinking

    This is O14 on the pinnacle, can't say who the other is at this stage - 284 was there but left:

    She joined KC6 again, but not for long:

    Back to pinnacle, making a very nice exhibition of herself:

    I didn't know when I started that we'd have all these lovely shots.

    Then whoever was on the crossbar got displaced by O14:

    Then LJ2 turned up on the right crossbar!  O14 is on the left, I think:

    I wonder if someone other than Ems is on the cam?


    Then Idris flew in with a FISH !!!  But O14 wanted some, and then one of the other intruders flew over and Monty flew off with the fish.

    (Secret video, just this once or twice ;) )

    Idris went back to high perch with fish:

    Ruffle them out of my feathers!

    He gave chase with fish in toe ;)

    FOUR birds involved in sky-chase?

    This is what we've been waiting for Heart eyes

    He flew off with it over our left shoulder:

    That's me finished, in more ways than one ;)  I hope today has been routine, as I can't tackle it.  Maybe LIMPY can come and literally save the day?

  • I meant to say 'thank you' to ALISON for her note, and to say that I may have misremembered 014 and O14 and am I certain she is a she? I thought so :-/ I'm not editing or researching any more now.
  • Janine was on camera duty Scylla, she did a brilliant job.