Link to  july-2020

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All captures and videos ©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

Blogs and videos to the season so far:

Mrs G returned 21st March, 10:36 > mrs-g-returns

Aran returned 3rd April, 12:08 > aran-returns

First egg laid 13th April, 12:08 > mrs-g-lays-first-egg-of-2020

Second egg laid 16th April, 18:17 > mrs-g-lays-second-egg-of-2020

Third egg laid 19th April, 19:01 > mrs-g-lays-3rd-egg-2020

First hatch 20th May, 10:52 > first-2020-chick-hatches

Second hatch 21st May, 17:59 > second-glaslyn-chick-of-2020-hatches

Third hatch 24th May, 12:52 > third-chick-hatches-on-glaslyn-nest

Chicks ringed 24th June > glaslyn-chicks-are-ringed

KC2 fledged 9th July, 14:48 aged 50 days > kc2-has-fledged

KC3 fledged 14th July, 9:36 aged 54 days > kc3-fledges

KC4 fledged 19th July, 18:44 aged 56 days > kc4-fledges


The three juveniles are thriving under Mrs G and Aran's continued care, proving once again what formidable parents they are. Long may the season continue to be be hassle-free as it nears the time for migration

  • Flippin' 'eck, Aran, please give me some rest (and get some yourself Grin )

    He's just delivered a flounder and there are 2 juves on the nest, I expect KC3 has the fish.
  • Now it must be KC2 tentatively taking over the abandoned, hardly touched, flounder.
  • Head and beak look a lot like a female Chaffinch

    Richard B

  • Oh my, such stunning captures! Heart eyes

  • scylla said:
    He's just delivered a flounder and there are 2 juves on the nest, I expect KC3 has the fish.

    KC3 got Aran's toe again:

    It's KC2 waiting behind:

    And KC2 didn't have to wait long!  She took over and soon flew off with the fish:

    KC3 sat down and did some crop-dropping, I hope nothing's stuck:

    Then nodded off as he sat:

    He got up, pottered, sat again, up again, flew off @ 19:56-ish.

    Then KC4 and KC3 were on nest and perch respectively, KC4 flew @ 20:14... KC3 @ 20:31.

    ARan with FISH:

    MrsG was waiting for the fish but suddenly Aran flew off and then so did she :-/

    She was in this tree for about 10 minutes and flew a moment after snap:

    That was the last anyone was seen on cam on 03 Aug.

  • 04 August

    It's quite breezy with drops of rain.  A Raven is tucked down under the nest:

    Two juvies appeared, prancing and dancing, I think it's KC3 who brought the pine needle twig and the other is KC4:

    They flew but this is probably the same pair:

    Then the juvies and ravens (2) were on-off-on-off:


    I'm waiting for the receiver to reveal its ID :)

    Someone's trying to steal it, failed so far...

    KC3 got it:

    KC4 grabbed KC3's toe when trying to steal fish:

    What a surprise!  KC4 succeeded:

    KC3 was left scratching his head on the perch Disappointed relieved

  • Great captures Scylla. Very many thanks
  • KC3 was back on the nest waiting, he checked his pine needle twig - maybe it's supposed to stand in for barbed wire, but l can't think who it would keep out ;)

    He turned over clumps and generally made a nuisance of himself but KC4 ploughed on regardless thru her breakfish and eventually, as the weather turned foul, KC3 went back to the perch:

    Soon he was back on the nest and KC2 turned up on the perch - you can see what he thought of that!

    KC2 joined KC3 in the queue and it was KC3 who got the fish when KC4 had finished with it - KCs 2&4 flew off.

    KC3 was bothered by the Ravens but kept going, mainly eating the flesh and leaving the skin:

    KC2 is now waiting, but mainly skin remains :( 

    So all 3 chicks are present and correct this morning Slight smile


    I'm missing PATILY for a couple of days, maybe thru poor observation or looking in the wrong threads?

  • KC2 has the fish, what's left of it:

  • A very rainy morning came to pass:

    It had eased off by noon and shortly afterwards Aran brought a headless flounder - KC2 was the only one there for it and she flew off with it:

    KC3 brought one of his bunches of straw to the perch, there wasn't a perfect snap with his head and the whole of the straw in the frame.

    The straw - he flew off with it:

    Then he was on the nest, strawless:

    KC2 got another flounder, I wonder what happened to the noon one?

    KC2 shouted a bit and flew with it:

    KC3 flew in to the perch, then to nest, then back to perch - with us for 20+ minutes being very indignant before flying off:

    Uh-oh, what makes us think KC2 is being profligate with fishes?  She hasn't got a fat crop!

    KC3 joined her, whereupon KC2 flew to the perch and off, KC3 flew to the perch and stayed there shouting for a while then back to the nest:

    He flew @ 17:02.

    They were both back for a short while, looking like drownded rats:

    Both gone by 17:39, since when the only activity on cam has been rain blobs.