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All captures and videos ©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

Blogs and videos to the season so far:

Mrs G returned 21st March, 10:36 > mrs-g-returns

Aran returned 3rd April, 12:08 > aran-returns

First egg laid 13th April, 12:08 > mrs-g-lays-first-egg-of-2020

Second egg laid 16th April, 18:17 > mrs-g-lays-second-egg-of-2020

Third egg laid 19th April, 19:01 > mrs-g-lays-3rd-egg-2020

First hatch 20th May, 10:52 > first-2020-chick-hatches

Second hatch 21st May, 17:59 > second-glaslyn-chick-of-2020-hatches

Third hatch 24th May, 12:52 > third-chick-hatches-on-glaslyn-nest

Chicks ringed 24th June > glaslyn-chicks-are-ringed

KC2 fledged 9th July, 14:48 aged 50 days > kc2-has-fledged

KC3 fledged 14th July, 9:36 aged 54 days > kc3-fledges

KC4 fledged 19th July, 18:44 aged 56 days > kc4-fledges


The three juveniles are thriving under Mrs G and Aran's continued care, proving once again what formidable parents they are. Long may the season continue to be be hassle-free as it nears the time for migration

  • scylla said:
    She got a small fish from Aran but it's amongst the sticks under her feet:

    She = KC2:

    KC3 was on the perch when KC2 flew with her fish:

    KC3 got a brown trout:

    Aran pottered for a mo then flew, KC3 flew with fish:

    I think that's it for tonight.

  • ENS as it so often is eary in the morning
  • KC2 tucking into a large flounder with a sibling on the perch Cam panned to a distant tree where there is another osprey No idea who

    C BGGW

  • 16 August

    With PATILY's posts above to be inserted! :-*

    (It's been a day of multi-digressions here.)

    First in this morning:

    KC2, with a very hollow crop, was the first osp to appear, she landed on a clump:

    Very soon Aran arrived with a small headless fish, which KC2 grabbed and flew off with pronto:


    KC4 got such a tiny piece of fish that it wasn't worth flying off with, she ate it on the nest and flew @ 07:54:

    There was a Raven invasion and then a Squirrel, but it was too quick to be focused on - this is just symbolic Wink

    08:47 a juvie arrived on the perch, am waiting for a close-up...

    After a long wait, during which time we only saw the BTO ring, KC3 got a flounder:

    KC3 ate on the nest and left this much when he flew - if you can see it!

    This must have been MrsG (she never faced us once!) because we're about to shift to the nest for a fish delivery from Aran:

    KC4 was waiting:

    Soon she had both siblings for "company" and they were distracted by someone:

    Then all 3 were looking at us !!!

    At 11:29 the fish got filched by KC3.

    The cam rushed off to look at someone in a dead tree (probably MrsG?) and when it got back to the nest KC4 had flown.

    A couple of minutes later KC2 had also flown, KC3 watches her go:

    I did a frame for all thos because they were so lovely, despite wetness :)

    11:51 KC3 flew with this much:

    "Because I can", sayeth the Raven:

    13:30 she was still in the same tree (no more waiting around to claim fish from your children, MrsG? Stuck out tongue ) and KC2 was on the nest.

    14:17 MrsG was still there, she's had a helluva preen, but the cam has to make a mad dash to the nest to see Aran fly in with FISH!

    KC2 got a good flounder:

    KC3 on the perch, KC4 on the nest, KC2 still has LOTS left:

    KC4 had left a while ago, KC3 took his time coming for KC2's huge leftover:

    He didn't get very far with it and flies at this moment:

    How could MrsG resist this free offer?

    But wait !!!

    Aran brought a headless fish to the nest but no-one was there to collect it:

    He took it to the perch and back to the nest, where KC2 collected and flew off with it.  Only half a fish:

    17:45 a tiny Chaffie:

    From 18:04 to 18:47 KC3 and KC4 were on perch and nest, as if expecting...

    Now KC3 (I'm convinced, even tho he's distant and misty) is back on the perch shouting...

    I never did find MrsG with the (hopefully) retrieved flounder.

  • From 19:00 to about 19:45 KC3 was perch-to-nest and back, absolutely convinced there was a fish out there with his name on it Sparkling heart

    Back again:

    Then he and KC4 congregated (if 2 people can congregate) on the nest:

    20:27 they both flew off, KC4 first after some crop-drops, KC4 returned after a minute...

    Who was this blue-ringed bird?  (I saw the ring as it flew.)

    And look what I found on the end of Heather's "dropped fish" video - where did that cam come from and why can't we see it?!

    (Apologies for taking this snap but I had to do it.)

  • Terrific Blog Scylla thank you so very much.
  • 17 August

    First in on this wet morning:

    This juvie had arrived on the perch @ 07:35 and is waiting patiently:

    I spy!

    Then there was a flash of feet and a flash of wing as KC4 flashed by ;)

    It was KC3 who got it:

    KC4 waited so long so patiently:

    And got a tailend with meat in it but we couldn't see the handover:

    She finished eating and flew @ 09:23.

    KC2's first nest landing:

    She was on the nest shouting and checking:

    Then on the perch:

    Dear little fatty:

    Flew @ 10:15:

    Back for a FLOUNDER !!!

    KC4 arrived before Aran took off:

    KC2 used the fence sticks to assist with grip ;)

    KC4 had made a move, NO said KC2:

    Someone arrived on the perch Rofl

    Thanks for trying!  Must be KC3, this has been massively "improved":

    KC3 didn't stay long.  KC2 flew from the nest and KC4 took over the flounder:

    Thanks to KC2 giving her a good start, KC4 has had a great meal from this flounder - here she is pulling at skin, having eaten nearly all the flesh:

    Invasion, but it's OK, she's nearly full:

    It was because Aran was on his way with another flipping FLOUNDER:

    It took a long time for the founder to be claimed, then KC2 stood over it for a while until KC4 flew:

    12:53 and KC2 hasn't got very far, what a shame as the same thing happened when she got the previous one started for KC4 Disappointed relieved  A minute later she gave up and flew off:

    KC3 had no mercy vs intruding Raven:

    Then he picked up the skinny tailend left by KC4 - these youngster do not get on with flounders unless Aran (or someone) has made a start on them.  Shortly after this, KC3 flew with the scrap:

    Marauders were soon in, KC3 chased them away:

    Ravens are difficult to daunt tho Heart eyes

    See what I mean?  As far as we could see, without the cam focusing over to the left, the nearly-whole flounder was removed from the nest:

    KC3 couldn't believe his eyes!

    KC2 and KC3 rued the loss of the flounder they didn't want:

    This is dreadful, I know I was late starting today but I must have been at this for over 5 hours, what with one thing and another - I'll post this so there's something for viewers before their bedtime Stuck out tongue and continue behind the scenes.

  • I have popped into all the nests  and this is the first bird I;ve seen  I think its KC4 Calling for more fish

    Heather says she hasn't seen Mrs G today so far

    C BGGW