Link to july-2020
Bywydd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife website/webcam >
YouTube Live Stream (with chat) >
Public Facebook page >
All captures and videos ©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife
Blogs and videos to the season so far:
Mrs G returned 21st March, 10:36 > mrs-g-returns
Aran returned 3rd April, 12:08 > aran-returns
First egg laid 13th April, 12:08 > mrs-g-lays-first-egg-of-2020
Second egg laid 16th April, 18:17 > mrs-g-lays-second-egg-of-2020
Third egg laid 19th April, 19:01 > mrs-g-lays-3rd-egg-2020
First hatch 20th May, 10:52 > first-2020-chick-hatches
Second hatch 21st May, 17:59 > second-glaslyn-chick-of-2020-hatches
Third hatch 24th May, 12:52 > third-chick-hatches-on-glaslyn-nest
Chicks ringed 24th June > glaslyn-chicks-are-ringed
KC2 fledged 9th July, 14:48 aged 50 days > kc2-has-fledged
KC3 fledged 14th July, 9:36 aged 54 days > kc3-fledges
KC4 fledged 19th July, 18:44 aged 56 days > kc4-fledges
The three juveniles are thriving under Mrs G and Aran's continued care, proving once again what formidable parents they are. Long may the season continue to be be hassle-free as it nears the time for migration
Birdies LG DU update.
28 December
Lovely clear day, snow on hilltops - but it got cloudy later:
This bird was walking along the roof towards us and Heather just couldn't get it into focus before it disappeared - I've queried it on Chat but don't think anyone will be there to answer now.
Well we got a more distant view of it a minute later and it looked a Magpie-y shape.
Mmm, well top pic looks to me like a tiny person holding on to their hat cos of the wind. (i know !) Bottom pic looks like a birdie with a party hat on (looks like it's having a good time - I think ) D'you think I should go to Spec Savers ?
Great landscape - wonderful scenery .
Kind regards, Ann
Unknown said:some say Magpie
Not I, GardenBirder - I was only referring to the shape, which Pied Wagtail would fit, thanks MIKE, I bet that's what it was - and if there was an answer to my query I'm too late checking cos a new Chat is ready to go.
Download started now, here's the current scene and a test of a new font which I'm not sure will come in handy or not :-/