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All captures and videos ©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

Blogs and videos to the season so far:

Mrs G returned 21st March, 10:36 > mrs-g-returns

Aran returned 3rd April, 12:08 > aran-returns

First egg laid 13th April, 12:08 > mrs-g-lays-first-egg-of-2020

Second egg laid 16th April, 18:17 > mrs-g-lays-second-egg-of-2020

Third egg laid 19th April, 19:01 > mrs-g-lays-3rd-egg-2020

First hatch 20th May, 10:52 > first-2020-chick-hatches

Second hatch 21st May, 17:59 > second-glaslyn-chick-of-2020-hatches

Third hatch 24th May, 12:52 > third-chick-hatches-on-glaslyn-nest

Chicks ringed 24th June > glaslyn-chicks-are-ringed

KC2 fledged 9th July, 14:48 aged 50 days > kc2-has-fledged

KC3 fledged 14th July, 9:36 aged 54 days > kc3-fledges

KC4 fledged 19th July, 18:44 aged 56 days > kc4-fledges


The three juveniles are thriving under Mrs G and Aran's continued care, proving once again what formidable parents they are. Long may the season continue to be be hassle-free as it nears the time for migration

  • KC2 and KC3 spent time on the perch chilling (and buzzing).  I'm not sure why I got involved in this Rolling eyes

    KC3 brought nest material, like he likes to do:

    But the corvids so infuriated him that he flew to attack and forgot all about it:

    Beautiful KC3 nearly dried out:

    Aran brought a mullet and a feather:

    And KC2 got it with a triumphant shout and flew with it:

    KC3 continued to be the star of the show - unblurred moments between defending postures when someone was interrupting his preening:

    Who is that cheeky so-and-so?!

    He'd had enough and off he flew:

    Someone got a fish!

    It was KC3 and he flew with it:

    16:38 KC4 landed.

    She waited and mantled when KC3 arrived on the perch in an excited state, fish gone:

    This might be MrsG at last:

    Because the cam left the nest to look around I can't tell who these two were, but one is KC3 - they took off together to chase someone in the sky:

    Oh what a triumph - I took a dead fly off the lens Grin

    No prizes for ID-ing KC3 and KC4:

    They waited on the nest and there was on-off activity until finally KC3 flew @ 19:35.

    No, not finally, that was after a further visit to perch and nest and back to perch, flying @ 20:09:

    We're on nightcam view now.

  • scylla said:
    Aran brought a mullet and a feather:

    I left out the snap !!!

  • KC3 with a small fish and KC4 protesting

    C BGGW

  • Lovely juvie close-up at the mo, I shall be starting the day soooon and hope to have a snap.
  • After a night of some breeziness and solid rain, KC4 was first to touch down, squeezing in in the last couple of seconds of 06:06 - she was very closely followed by KC3. KC4 helicoptered off after a minute or so, but KC3 stayed on until 06:16.  There's no point in rain-splodged snaps.

    06:43 there was a very quick on/off by No-ID-ah ;)

    06:48 KC2 and KC3 more-or-less landed together, didn't stay long:

    07:08 KC3 landed to collected a soon-to-arrive fish, but we didn't know who it was or what the fish was like until a bit later - KC3 has the small fish and KC4 is in waiting:

    The cam switched over @ 07:19.

    I don't think there'll be anything left for you {{{KC4}}}

    And there wasn't - KC4 did some disappointed little skids:

    KC4 stayed on, @ 07:50 KC2 popped on 'n off, KC4 waited and waited:

    Then the master nest-builder was at it again:


    No, but isn't he wonderful?

    I have to break off due to an accidental demolition here.

  • 18 Aug cont'd

    08:20 KC4 flew in expecting a delivery but she waited and waited, ended up sitting down:


    A couple of minutes later Aran brought a FLOUNDER, KC3 was in attendance but didn't stay on the nest long, he waited, preening, on the perch while KC4 tucked in:

    10:07 KC4 flew in a blur with the large remains of the flounder.

    KC3 checked the nest and flew off and brought in... a leaf?

    Eventually he got his own very flappy flounder:

    KC2 came to complain but didn't stay:

    But she came back again and KC3 flew with his flounder so she looked to Mama for support:

    What a lovely surprise!  MrsG has been steering clear of the nest since the head-biting incident - the only time we've seen her here was when she took the flounder from an empty nest and dropped it.  This was a pause in her preening:

    Eventually, KC2 got her FLOUNDER, that's one each this morning :)

    She flew with the whole thing, I hope she knows what she's doing!

    The cam shot back from a tour just in time for the REDSTART:

    I did a short video because it went on the perch briefly:

    After KC2's fish no-one was on the nest until KC3 turned up @ 14:37.

    KC4 must have got wind of something too - and the wind got her hair:

    KC3 and KC4:

    That wasn't fair, KC4 was first to the nest but KC3 got the headless FISH (not a flounder!):

    Aran was looking good!

    ??? ... nothing came of it:

    KC4's little face fell when KC3 flew with fish (she flew @ 15:57):

    KC2 turned up on the perch, she was shouting but here is an angelic moment - she was preening until 16:55:

    When we got back to the nest KC4 was already there, she flew @ 17:13.

    This osprey either had a fish or was perusing its toes from time to time:

    Back to the perch, there's KC4 (I can tell it's her by the straight line on the ring that I've discerned with difficutly):

    There you go:

    She flew @ 18:02, stopping briefly on the nest when a corvid took her place on the perch.

    The osprey was still out there beyond the Christmas tree @ 18:38, but then we had to go back to the nest, where 2 juvies were waiting... KC4 got the FLOUNDER:

    KC2 went to perch and then came back and sat down to wait - KC4 seemed to be doing quite well with the flounder, compared to sometimes - maybe some previous ones have been tough elders?

    20:22 KC2 flew off, and KC4 flew off with substantial leftover a minute later.

    The osprey was gone from behind the Christmas tree.

    20:39 over to nightcam view, no-one seen since.

  • There's a pick-up truck pulling what looks like a horse-box driving cattle slowly along...

    Cam followed as far as poss, now out of reach.
  • 19 August

    07:08 KC4 was first in and soon got a FLOUNDER from Aran.  She ate it on the nest with only her tail showing on the left side :(

    07:42 KC2 arrived.

    KC4's progress:

    A human "observer" scared KC4 (who left her fish and scarpered) and KC2 off the nest:

    No-one on the nest after that (besides corvids) until we got our first sighting of KC3:

    KC3 was on 'n off the perch until about noon - it looked as tho there might have been some bird-related intrusion (dang corvids?) but not seen clearly:

    Garfish for KC2:

    KC3 came to contend but was far too late - they both mantled, someone unwelcome must still be nearby.  KC2 flew with fish, a few minutes later KC3 flew:

    It started raining quite heavily, probably KC3 returned to the nest @ 13:00 and to perch...

    Deja vu !!!

    This time the garfish was headless - I don't know who the bystander was - KC3 flew with the fish @ 14:06:

    Redstart paid a short visit:

    Another intruder !!!  This time with an unleashed dog !!!  (I've no idea what the deal is in this area.)

    scylla said:
    There's a pick-up truck pulling what looks like a horse-box driving cattle slowly along...

    For a couple of minutes only:

    Deja deja vu vu - for KC2 - headless again - she flew with it:

    KC3 on perch shouting:

    Wow!  Deja deja deja vu vu vu for KC3 - complete with head:

    That was the best view, KC3 flew with it.

    Well done Aran Purple heart

    That's up to 18:38.

  • If those 'intruders' were local, they should know to stay away! Pleased that Heather caught them on cam!
    Many thanks Scylla :)