Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 July 2020


I hope everyone has a peaceful, safe, content week!

Be sure to check back to the end of last week's thread, to see Lindy's grandchildren photos and the last posts!

  • DIBNLIB _ I wondered if I could send OH to you for cookery training, but I decided he is untrainable. <sigh> He can open a can. <sigh>

    HEATHER – I have a perfectly good sultana scone recipe. Unfortunately my scones are not 3 inches high. As for the pronunciation, here a scone rhymes with “con”, not “cone”.

    ROSY – Keep drinking the rose, we have plenty of other wineries in SA! I did read that the Adelaide Hills wineries lost 1/3 of their vines in the bushfires, others are OK. Covid lockdown preventing gatherings has not reduced alcohol consumption – bottle shops have been busy and apparently people are drinking more at home.

    LINDA – Too bad you have so much work to do instead of relaxing on your Welsh escape.

    I use ready made frozen pastry. It comes in packs of 10 square sheets which are not quite the right size for pasties, saus rolls, etc, so I always have some with joins which may or may not stay depending on my haste. I eat the odd ones.

    I am waiting for washing machine to finish and then I am escaping to library and short camera outing.

  • Just a thought

    You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry.
    And be sure to smell the flowers along the way. (Walter Hagen)

  • Sorry DIANE. I saw your link as I shut down last night and I forgot this morn. That’s the kind of scene I like. Beautiful. Man’s puny works beneath Mother Nature. Thank you.

  • Gosh well, I wrote a post this morning and can only imagine that I didn't hit Reply to Thread before I zoomed off for a walk.  Honestly.

    AQ/dibnlib:  Yes, Indeed, Where are these men who cook apple tarts and quiche?  Nowhere near me I can tell you!  And to think, it wasn't so long ago that 'real' mean didn't eat quiche. Went to Brit friend's house for natter and catch up today. but I bought the pastries at Renaud's.  (I wanted a chocolate croissant, but Jeannine's put way more chocolate in theirs and they seem to have closed again. Sigh.)

    Lindybird:  Hmmm, a word to management about the lapse in maintenance might not hurt.  

    Rosy: There are a lot of rose wines out there and I gather it's come a long way since the earliest days when it seemed way too sweet to me.  I keep looking at the various bottles but then fall back on my usual whites.  No sense of adventure I guess.   We also have really hard water but it doesn't cause too many problems.  The only thing I have to remember is to remove the nozzle each time I use a garden hose because they do get horribly clogged.

    Diane:  One of my lost comment was Wow!  That was for the ominous cloud formation in that link.  We don't get clouds that high or varied out here.....

    Time for the 'snooze' as my OH calls the evening news.   It's hardly snooze-worthy though....

  • SA’s first covid case for more than 2 weeks; a returned overseas traveller who sent 2 weeks in quarantine in Victoria, tested negative twice, returned home and tested then positive. I have often wondered whether people could assume they were safe after 2 weeks. Victoria’s cases continue to rise and more deaths alas.

    Four non-so-clever young men stowed away on a freight train from VIC to SA and were spotted by a passing engine driver. The idiots were rounded up by police dogs on arrival.

    Not much joy in library, shelves half empty. Photo excursion successful with a 1890s old mill captured and some wool stores. One of the latter, a lovely old building, was surrounded by fence with sign “demolition in progress”. Oh no. I hope they are only gutting the interior for re-use. No one actually working there today.

  • Just bumping us up a bit.
    Have to go, shopping to do!
  • OHs quiche was very good indeed. I don't really like short pastry so as usual I cut off the crust and put it on the bird table. The birds loved it.
  • Annette and anyone else who likes condors might like this SHORT ARTICLE

    Hello to all!

  • Hello. Found it impossible to post this morning, so went out without commenting. A damp day, here, again. After the first drizzle stopped, we went out to the town to buy milk and walk along the front. The flowering bushes were sweet smelling of summer, and there were gulls and geese flying over the estuary.
    Had a zzz when we finished lunch, and just off out again, now, whilst it's dry..
  • Morning all:

    AQ:  Maybe you can Google to find out what's going on with that lovely old building......- local news sources/historical societies, etc?   .I hope you're right about them just redoing the interior..     Really, I wonder about the reliability of some of these covid tests.......  Which ones are countries/states/groups using, who's producing them, etc...    Like we need more uncertainty.

    Diane: Thanks for that link and it reminded me - and probably others on here - of the 1982 BBC TV Series The Flight of the Condor, which had a wonderful haunting music accompaniment.   I just found it on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66KVAhNE_rQ.

    Am off to Costco this morning.  As far as I'm concerned, life won't be back to normal until Costco and Trader Joe's go back to offering free samples....  :-)