Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 July 2020

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  • Tox box in place, sausage rolls ready. I’m daring to make sultana scones. (OH won’t like them ’cos not expensive bakery scones) and then all is ready for Dau & Trio heir last visit here was in January. I’ll be back much later with comments on your posts.

  • How do the men who drive the snowplough get to work in the morning? (Steven Wright)

    When you go into court, you are putting your fate into the hands of people who weren’t smart enough to get out of jury duty.

    We don't care. We don't have to. We're the phone company. (Lily Tomlin)

  • Yes HEATHER today was The Visit. It was shorter than expected as Dau had to return to babysit for a friend whose other child had a dentist appt. Anyway after 3 hours, OH was getting frazzled (missing his after lunch nap) and 2 children were upset playing dominoes “I never win.” Why is it that luck always falls on one child? It is not that they have learned strategies yet. Earlier in better moods, the Trio sang “I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts”. First in normal voices, then deep, then high & squeaky and finally while holding their noses. Hilarious, especially as the twins could hardly sing for giggling.

    LINDA by now is wandering the sands of Wales. Reading her earlier post, my thoughts were “forget the knickers, remember the shoes” but I see reading further she has that catered for.

    PAT – I read your post and I could relate to the way you are feeling.

    OG – Yes, I went to church. Numbers seemed a little less perhaps because it was chilly even at 9 am. People are very good, distancing. The collection bags are not passed around; there are tubs (ex-icecream?) at the front of the church and we toddle up after to deposit offering.

    ANNETTE – I was thinking of a mask made of impenetrable plastic.

  • Days of the week? Are there seven of them? Suddenly realised in the night I sent Linda off to Wales a day early! LoL!

    BBL after breakfast.
  • OG - Wasn’t it you who told us the week was “Thisday, Thatday, Otherday, Someday, Yesterday, Today and Nextday”? So which one did you miss? LOLOL

    I had a nanny nap, washed my hair and now I am ready for “chish & fips” for tea. Our first takeaway since, gosh, January.

  • Well, it took a while before I realised that today was Monday. I had to check my phone to find out!
    AQ - Gosh, I remember the song, my cousin used to play it on the piano when I was small, and I would sing.
    Yesterday was lovely, son in law pruned and shaped some shrubs, daughter ditto with rosemary and culinary bay. The girls swept up and I supervised (!) Then the roast dinner. The girls were in great form, managed to squeeze in a film watching session in between the chores.
  • Had brekkie, fell asleep at the table, failed in attempt to order cheeses online – now here I am.

    AQ – the problem is that Next Day suddenly turns into Today before I get there, then all others morph into Other Day and I get lost! Sorry The Visit did not have a smooth ending – but seems to have begun well with entertainment by the Trio. I hope you enjoyed the chish and fips – haven’t tried them yet here, although I know the staff are wearing visors as well as everything else – it’s the queues putting us off.

    PAT – sorry your B in Law is finding it difficult. I suppose it’s similar to my OH (E-E) looking after me, but he has the church connection to keep him focussed – he has the weekly online Elders meeting and as Communications Elder spends a lot of time passing information up, down and around!

    ROSY – sorry your GD is not able to see her Dad and revisit Ohio, but easier to take enforced decision than have to weigh up the risks. Pleased you can plan to meet with D and SinL soon.

    ANNETTE – your call will have made such a difference to your Friend in Seattle – It must be very hard living among others yet not able to socialise.

    DIBNLIB – I see you had your Sunday walk by the canal. Water does give a walk something extra – whether it’s sea, river or canal. Are there any of the big tour boats on the water now, or are they not allowed to travel?

    HEATHER – that sounds like a nice relaxed Sunday with younger family. Does SiL have to have another negative test to go back on the rig?

    Well, OH came home and we had another attempt at cheese order – still no luck so we tried the online Qs & As dialogue box – the person (or computer) the other end was going to try to sort it, so we gave up and asked them to send an email explanation! We also put the shopping away before I came back on here.
  • Arrived OK after good journey through grey cloud. Now have lighter, grey skies. Had a quick lunch and spoke to our neighbours here. Various grumbles about the management of the place!! We'll see if there's going to be a revolutionary uprising LOL!!

    My OH now waiting for A Man to come & look at our gas boiler as its not working properly. Sigh.
  • LINDA - glad it was a good journey, but shame about the cloud. Sorry about the grumbles too - I hope it won't change the happy atmosphere there. So gas boiler trouble - sounds just like home! But, seriously, I hope he gets it sorted.
  • Morning all:   Spent an hour by the ocean yesterday late afternoon watching the surfers. It was like a week away!  Came home in time to miss the news and cook dinner.  Has anyone watched the new Maigret series with Mr. Bean (forgot his name)?  I'm finding it a bit ponderous....

    Lindybird:  Hope by now the boiler has figured out who's in charge and that the grumbles are just part and parcel of the current upheavals.

    Heather:  Sounds like a lovely day for you all, with family bustling about to keep you and the garden sorted.

    AQ:  Re masks, I like your thinking!   Why are men so grumpy when their schedules are thrown off by even one day - and by adorable grandkids yet!    Look forward to seeing the Trio on Australia's Got Talent.   :-)

    Rosy: I forgot to say that I hope you guys can plan to get together without too much trouble.

    OG:  Seattle friend and I chat a lot - she lost her 'words' when she had the stroke, but is much improved and has learned techniques to come up with them.  Her intellectual acuity and sense of humor were unscathed, thank heaven.

    Where is WendyB:  Wasn't her daughter coming to visit?

    Have some To-Do Things to follow up on; take care everyone.

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