Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 July 2020


I hope everyone has a peaceful, safe, content week!

Be sure to check back to the end of last week's thread, to see Lindy's grandchildren photos and the last posts!

  • We are installed back home, after a very good journey except for the last 500 yards!! We knew that there were some roadworks planned for a main road near our house, but pushed on regardless even though there were "Road Closed" signs. We decided that we counted as "except for access" travellers. We got almost to the turn for our road, when we came to a barrier - had to turn around and approach from another direction, which took over 20 minutes!! Had to fight through town traffic and eventually reached home triumphant. They're resurfacing roads,so we will have to be careful which way we travel when leaving home for the next few days.

    All well at home, and the garden has grown in just a few days.
  • ANNETTE - how complicated it all becomes: I hope that your AZ family (and partner's folks) will all be okay from this incident. Glad that Ms D will be safely away from it with you to watch over her. Orange County school policy does seem idiotic right now. When our Scottish schools open in August, Kids won't have to wear masks or distance. Staff will have to distance from kids or one another, and wear a mask if they have reason to go near a child! Kids will run rings round them and it will be chaotic! I can imagine our J walking away from that scenario!
  • LINDA - posts crossed - I seem to be making a habit of that! Good to know you are safely at home, after the detour!. Hope you won't get caught again - you are so lucky to be getting resurfacing - our roads are in terrible condition. Glad all well when you arrived.
  • HEATHER – Yum, whether lunch or dinner.

    ROSY – Our grandchildren are so advanced compared to what I remember of myself in Ye Olden Days.

    OG - I was definitely  delighted to discover your description of your drab day.

    ANNETTE – A worrying time for your AZ family. MissD will enjoy her extended stay and you can educate her in ways school can’t. Covid news not good from so many states in US. Take care.

    LINDA – Dau complained of the high numbers of roadworks underway here. I noticed them too on my escape. Perhaps authorities are taking advantage of low traffic?

    Yesterday’s new cases in VIC jumped to 428, doubling in 5 days. Figures are even scarier when I read this morn that the new cases in UK was over 600. UK has much greater population than VIC. They are calling it second wave. Please, my friends, take care. Don’t get complacent about restrictions.

  • Just a thought

    Listen to the background music, beyond the daily strife.
    Listen to the notes ascend - the music of your life. (Karen Rene)

  • Evening all:  Saw Captain (Sir) Tom and the Queen on TV.  :-)  They're a couple of old toughies. Swords are a great way to maintain social distance. Meanwhile, back in California, Governor Newsom has ruled that schools in the many 'surge' counties may not reopen this Fall but must conduct online classes only.   I see that Angele Merkle is once again riding high in Germany - she's a smart person and apparently knows how to lead in a crisis  What a concept!

    AQ:  They initially said our newer outbreaks were part of a second wave, but I've since heard that it's the same old first wave (thanks to the idiots).    

    Glad to see Lindybird finally made it home.

    Take care all.

  • Good morning everyone. Where are you? Hope all are well, and are doing interesting things.
  • Hello, ROSY. I am here. I am not doing anything interesting, which is why I have nothing to write about!

    Could just say the weather is better - and I did like AQ's clever reply to my weather comment yesterday!
  • Testing........!

    Keep getting the Orange box on here, so not sure if this will post...

    Pouring rain all morning, here, when the forecast was "showers". Did two washing loads last night, hoping to get them out on the line, but it won't be today! Been out to the supermarket to stock up, but instead of being busy as is usual on a Saturday, it was almost deserted. Don't know if it's the weather or people's annoyance at some new pay for parking machines they have installed.