Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 July 2020


I hope everyone has a peaceful, safe, content week!

Be sure to check back to the end of last week's thread, to see Lindy's grandchildren photos and the last posts!

  • That is some scone, AQ! Three inches high.... I would think that they must use some extra raising agent. Glad that you got some pics but sorry about paucity of books.
    DIBNLIB - Good that the quiche was a success - I often leave the crusts of pastry, too.
    ANNETTE - I remember the samples in Costco....
    My connection here is dodgy today. I'm hoping that if and when my son comes up here in the Autumn he will sort it all out.
  • LINDY, Sorry that the weather hasn't been as good as we would expect in July x
    Safe journey home, tomorrow.
    Hope OG is OK.
  • OK thanks, HEATHER! Computer had a major software breakdown yesterday - took all day to sort it, then spent today (Thursday) checking all present and correct for the next Magazine.
  • A teacher once wrote an exam and towards the end of what were quite lengthy instructions on the front page, she included the answer to one of the questions. She was testing, not their knowledge, but their attention.

    Don't read the next sentence.
    You little rebel, I like you.

  • LOL AQ!!

    Good Morning. Ironically, dry for the first morning here: we are packing up to go home.

    "See you" later.
  • Wishing LINDY and her OH a good journey home.
    I'm expecting some of the family today, for a mid afternoon meal. Late lunch or early dinner? Not sure which. Lasagne, salad, strawberries and ice cream.
    Eating places are open but none of us are happy to go and I don't know when we will. Holiday people are starting to appear.....
  • We were disappearing off the page.

    Early morning food shop. Nothing exciting happening.
    Last evening our granddaughter did a zoom presentation of a school project. "Politics in the Ancient World". No idea how she came up with that one, but naturally the grandparents were impressed.

    I hope you are enjoying family time, Heather. Also hoping that Lindy and OH have a good journey home, without encountering too many non-sensible drivers.
  • Today's weather: damp, dark, dreary, dismal, drizzling - or in other words dreich and depressing!

    Last two days have merged into one. There were some positives, I remember OH mowed some of the grass, Ice Cream delivery came (we are now on a monthly order), washing machine was successfully mended. I was extremely out of sorts when my computer wasn't available all day Thursday, E-E said it was as if I was bereft and I guess I was as it is my contact with everything right now! Anyway, it is definitely sorted.
    We had a quiet morning today, but this afternoon we made some quiches together which was very relaxing.

    Safe journey, LINDA - maybe you can have a pleasant stop-off somewhere on the way home if the weather has stayed good for you.

    HEATHER - good to see you are getting back into the swing of family get-togethers! Enjoy the meal - or maybe you already had it!
  • PS - ROSY - sorry we crossed in the post! Your Granddaughter sounds very clever! Nice that you could see her work.
  • Rosy:  I'm impressed too!  How old is granddaughter?  I hope Politics in the Ancient World was less depressing than Politics in the Modern World.

    Lindybird: Sounds like it was more like a fix-it trip than a rest, but hope things are now running smoothly for next visit.

    OG: Quiches seem to be contagious.  We are having an unusually cool summer with May Gray and June Gloom lingering well into July. Still, it's all clear by midday and makes for lovely sunny and breezy afternoons.   Daughter, Granddaughter and Ms. D are here Monday. D and Gd heading back Wednesday, but Ms. D is staying on for the week - and maybe longer. Granddaughter's partner (a sheriff) got a report of a deceased person earlier this week.  He went to the call with all his PPE gear, wary that Covid might be the cause of death, then phoned granddaughter right after and said he was fairly certain he'd have to go into full quarantine, at which point she threw clothes, books, games into bags and took off with Ms. D for daughter's house.  Turned out the cause of death was indeed Covid.  Now partner is at home alone for 14 days (with regular testing) with the rest of the family farmed out to grandparents, etc.  Anyway, it seemed like a good plan to leave Ms. D here until everything settles down back there.  They're still waiting to find out what schools are planning for the fall semester.   Meanwhile, back in California, the Idiot Orange County Board of Education voted unanimously to open schools with minimal restrictions/changes but - thank heaven - most of the schools are planning to ignore the vote.  I really hope the UK doesn't see another wave of infections after opening up, although it seems to be more controlled (as far as you can control idiots).  Grrrr.

    Heather: I'm sure you enjoyed the family visit.  :-)