I hope everyone has a peaceful, safe, content week!
Be sure to check back to the end of last week's thread, to see Lindy's grandchildren photos and the last posts!
LINDY - hope that your friend made it OK and the rain passed you by. I wonder if you have made it to the shop yet... DIBNLIB- the quiche sounds lovely! I've got quite lazy about making pastry even though I could whizz it in the food processor in seconds. Actually, I've gotten quite lazy about a lot of things ! AQ- Perhaps the bakery would be kind and give you their recipe for sultana scones - BTW how do pronounce scones down under? Here, it varies in different parts of the country. Not much happening here today, I pulled a few weeds before the rain came.
We went to have a bracing walk on the seafront this morning, but it was just grey drizzle so we had to be satisfied with sitting by the sea watching the waves. Eventually, we treated ourselves to an icecream. This afternoon is much warmer and is gradually becoming dry. We will go home on Friday, which promises to be a good day weather wise! Our friends have finally arrived - we saw their car but have not approached as its a real pain when you come with lots of stuff to unload, and people just want to talk. (Which happened to us on Monday)