.A hasty start to the new month, to get something done in BIRDIE's forced absence and before the possible/probable FIRST OF THE MONTH FREEZE (and I've already got freezing probs here!).

When Birdie is back in she may give me her comprehensive version to insert here :)

Parents and chicks are all doing well, with no real upsets so far.

©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

  • We have a corvid giving a star performance, with the stage all to itself. I'm otherwise engaged but shall do at least some snaps later.
  • MrsG had been waiting on the perch and took over KC2's fish when she'd finished with it:

    KC4 resumed with leftover flounder:

    In view of the long period of ENS that followed, Heather spent time surveying the area, which is lovely

    Was there a mini-landslide?

    Aran with a well-started flounder for KC2:

    But she was too slow and KC3 flew in and nicked it:

    KC2 waited on the perch:

    KC4 nipped in for flounder quarter:

    KC2 sat and waited:

    She went back to waiting on the perch but it wasn't long before she flew off:

    scylla said:
    We have a corvid giving a star performance, with the stage all to itself.

    Just an excerpt:

    All waiting:

    Aran flew PDQ after dropping off a flapping flounder:

    KC3 had got it but KC4 soon took it away - I can't get KC3's reproach to sync with an unblurred tail for KC4 ;)

    KC3 did some nestorising and sat down to wait:

    He waited and waited, but KC4 kept eating the fish for a long time - which is fair enough, my impression is that she's missed out in the past:

    KC2 joined in, there was much shifting about, sitting and standing:

    KC2 had left, KC3 took advantage of the distraction caused by MrsG's arrival to nick the fish (nice full crop, MrsG has):

    I wondered if MrsG was responding to an intruder, she darted off but was soon back, she did some nestorising.

    KC4 hadn't got thru very much of the flounder in all that time (which, to be hones, I can't say I calculated Smirk )

    KC3 was left in peace for a while - love their twisty necks Blush

    Aran brought a FLOUNDER - KC2 grabbed his foot and wouldn't take the hint until she was in danger of being carried off!

    MrsG came and fed the end of KC4's flounder to the chicks, here she's offer skin, which was accepted and swallowed successfully - I expect it's not clear :(

    This was coming up to 18:30.

    Later KC3 came and did some nestorising - he seems an especial charmer and one's heart goes out to him Purple heart

    Had yet another sit-down:

    Waited on the perch, shouting occasionally, flew off:

    Supper flounder:

    KC3 had it for a while but then KC4 took it, and dear KC3 did some housework to comfort himself ;)

    KC4 was still eating @ nightcam view, she left the fish on the nest, then MrsG came and ate some, and then KC2, I think, came and got fed some morsels but wanted to eat for herself:

    But there was only tail and skin left, MrsG dragged it away and attempted to feed it to KC2:

    That wasn't madly successful, eventually KC2 flew, after a couple of wing-spreads:

    And MrsG stayed until she'd finished the fish.

    Now it's nearly time to start all over again, what a long time this has taken, I do hope it doesn't get sent for moderation Thinking

  • Juvie visitors from 04:55 onwards, KC4 brought this short stick:


    Heather was just in time to give us this view:

    KC3 made good headway with the fish, KC2 said it wasn't fair:

    Changeover, KC3 flies off:

    KC2 still eating @ 06:31.

  • Aran brought another flounder (whole) but no-one was there to collect it - except KC2 with her own, which she soon forsook and hoped Dad would feed her from his fish - no, but MrsG arrived and is feeding KC2 from the original :)

    Aran is eating the new one on the nest.

  • I think the same senario as reported by SCYLL,A although I can#t see the chick's ring

    C BGGW

  • MrsG had been on the perch, apparently watching one of her offspring flying all over the sky (Heather was trying to follow but I can't get an informative snaps out of it, so...)... when she (MrsG) flew off to chase a Crow... MrsG disappeared but the Crow snuck onto the nest and made off with a fishtail Grin

    KC4 protested but not until after it had gone ;)  KC4 left the fish and took an interest in something up there:

    KC3 took over the fish.  Later, MrsG dived in and feasted on a second flounder that was already on the nest.

    KC2 arrived, had a little sit-down, then took KC3's fish.  MrsG fed KC3 for a few minutes, then herself again, alone on the nest.  She flew off looking as tho she was giving chase, carrying the fishtail on the end of a length of skin:

    8 minutes later she was on the perch preening, looking somewhat dishevelled - had she been for a quick dip?

    She was preening for nearly half an hour, then flew off and turned up on the nest 20 minutes later... defending vs unseen threat...

    11:35 Aran brought a whole fish and stayed a mo, maybe showing solidarity?

    This was the fish, MrsG is about to fly off with it:

    Intruder !!!  KC3 flies to nest to assist MrsG Open mouth

    KC3 was still eating the same flounder, or trying to, when Aran arrived with a much better fish, so KC3 was on it like a shot Grin

    He's still eating it now.

  • scylla said:
    ENS, except for the part-eaten fish.

    MrsG finished that fish and flew off:

    KC4 got a headless fish:

    Both KC2 and KC3 came to take over the fish, KC3 got it.  Later he and KC4 did some prancing before KC4 flew off and KC3 continued eating:

    KC2 had a sit-down:

    Aran with next fish - which KC2 got...

    ... and flew off with!  Fingers crossed for him!

    KC3 got bothered by the Crows:

    A parent (probably) chased them off, but they came back of course:

    KC3 got this fish, of which this is the only view we got, despite Heather's best attempts:

    Well, there was this:

    MrsG received the next fish - she flew off with it and Aran helicoptered away:

    You wouldn't believe how busy I am... and I stop and mess around with stuff like this !!! Persevere 

    KC3 came, went, came back again and got lovely reward from Dad:

    Another supper fish, a chick got it but couldn't see who:

    Last sighting was someone almost but not touching down with a fish, too blurry to see number:

    Then it rained and rained.

  • KC4 was blurrily on the perch when Heather came on duty, she soon flew off.

    First fish @ 06:55, KC3 was waiting for it:

    The other KCs came and waited while KC3 ate happily:

    KC2 flew to the perch and away, KC4 waited a bit longer and was allowed to take the fish:

    KC2 came but left without a bite, KC4 finished eating and left a good portion on the nest, then one of the pesky pesterers came for it and carried it down behind the rainblob you can see on the left:

    That's it up to 08:40.