.A hasty start to the new month, to get something done in BIRDIE's forced absence and before the possible/probable FIRST OF THE MONTH FREEZE (and I've already got freezing probs here!).

When Birdie is back in she may give me her comprehensive version to insert here :)

Parents and chicks are all doing well, with no real upsets so far.

©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

  • I say!  Someone's got a nice Brown Trout on the nest, who's that and how did it happen?

    ... ... ...

    Poor KC4 was beset by enemies fore and aft Grin

    I shouldn't have called KC2 an enemy, she heroically chased of the corvids at least twice!

    KC4 finished eating and flew.

    I called this "Fish delivery, lol, cos Heather's lost the plot" Purple heart  I know how she feels!

    I wish I could recover so fast!

    It's KC3 and he's still eating.

    Talking of which, I'm going to eat, SYAL.

  • I was thinking that we haven't discussed the chicks' markings like we used to at LG years ago.  This is almost a random snap taken as I'm going thru the rest of the day.  I wonder if KC2 might deveop into MrsG-2?

    KC2 got the fish when KC3 had finished, she flew with what was left after KC4 had been waiting for a while... KC4 found some skin:

    KC4 stayed a long time, mostly playing with scraps:

    After a few on 'n offs, KC4 got supper - she ate all or nearly all of it (I can't see well enough) and flew @ 20:17.

    It doesn't look as tho there's much in the way of leftovers on the nest:

    It started raining approx 00:45 and kept going:

    My internet went down @ 02:58 for about 10 minutes.

  • Great that they are all flying free but not so great for us when a quick round of all the nests only reveals a single bird.....082 at MB If Iwere paranoid I could think they were all hiding from me LOL
  • I've been looking for the previous months' threads for Glaslyn (April, May, June), but can't find any of them! Am I just being dim? (Polite answers only, please...)
  • A couple of good fish have caught my eye today, plus a furious outburst by MrsG on the perch. I have to pack up now but hope to do a quick catchup later.
  • Unknown said:
    I've been looking for the previous months' threads for Glaslyn (April, May, June), but can't find any of them! Am I just being dim? (Polite answers only, please...)

    I'm wondering if it's anything to do with Birdie being locked out as she created those wonderful threads. I've checked the Aberfoyle thread (as it is only a short one this season and made it easier to look back) and can't find any comments from her, I know she participated on there. Do you think everything associated with BNN has been wiped? An absolute catastrophe if so!!

  • Oh dear, everyone, that is tragic for BNN and for all of us. What a horrible waste of time, effort and knowledge! I wonder, Is there any way for the RSPB to allow BNN back to the community and to recover all of her posts or might they be lost forever?

    Kind regards, Ann

  • It seems too much of a coincidence not to be true! How sad and ridiculous.