.A hasty start to the new month, to get something done in BIRDIE's forced absence and before the possible/probable FIRST OF THE MONTH FREEZE (and I've already got freezing probs here!).

When Birdie is back in she may give me her comprehensive version to insert here :)

Parents and chicks are all doing well, with no real upsets so far.

©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

  • Rain Rain Rain Sweat drops

    FISH #2 in Dad's talons - he had to wait a little while for a customer:

    KC2, as you can see:

    KC2 took some bites then flew with the fish - I expect he's getting quite accomplished... well, we hope so ;)

    Heather had looked around the area during the longish no-bird spell but found none among the oak leaves or elsewhere.

  • Rain-rain-rain.

    A Crow spent 20 minutes on the nest and left-hand perch, many good poses blurred out by raindrops:

    Dear KC3 brought in a twig of dried oak leaves, which blew off as he flew:

    I would have done a portrait but couldn't find a suitable shot without a crucial element blurred, be it leaves, tail, wingtip, beak, etc.

    MrsG brought a stick and did a little nestorising:

    While the cam was (understandably ;) ) admiring MrsG on the perch (and KC3 was on the nest), Aran suddenly turned up on the nest, without a fish:

    The next thing was an osprey in the sky, so was there an intruder about (yet again!)?

    Here's Aran on the perch with a small flounder and KC3 flashing by on his way to the nest:

    KC3 got the flounder, Aran is about to fly after that intruder, whoever it was:

    Siblings arrived and waited:

    This is KC3 right down to the fishtail, not handing it over to KC4 despite her desperate pleas Grin

    2 must be waiting for tea/supper, the third must be digesting ;)

    A bigger flounder arrived for tea/supper:

    KC4 got it:

    MrsG stood by with an empty crop!  (Doesn't she fish?  Purple heart  EJ Purple heart  used to.)

    Eventually the whole family (minus Aran) was there waiting for KC4 to finish eating, they all gave up.

    I couldn't follow the chain of events with the fish (due to sun-shadows and fast movements), but here MrsG has gone and all 3 chicks are down, so I think there was another intrusion:

    A bit later, KC2 and KC3 were both eating, KC2 from a new delivery of a non-flounder than I can't find coming in:

    I am so pushed for time now, and so darn hot!

    MrsG fed KC3 and then herself, but there wasn't a lot left for her (no snaps due to time constraints).

    I wonder if the Crow was trying to be insulting? Stuck out tongue

    That was it...ish.

  • Monday 28 July

    A juvie came @ 04:16 and found a scrap but rejected it:

    The it sat down for a long time, aww:

    KC3 arrived so the sitter got up and had another go at the scrap:

    MrsG finished it off:

    KC4 is about to approach and calmly flap away the corvid (but it went blurry) - she's done it again since:

    All 3 sibs presently waiting on the nest.

  • All 3 have been in and out this morning:

    Aran brought a big flounder when only KC3 was in waiting:

    KC2 arrived ad I think they were both distracted by a corvid and KC3 suddenly realised he had released his fish, he was soon back on it and has been making slow progress, as they always seem to do with tough ole flounders.  KC2 is still waiting.

  • This will be a too-sketchy catchup, due to time pressure and laptop running slow Disappointed relieved  If it looks as tho something went wrong by the end of the day, I'll go back thru everything for details.

    All 3 juves had goes at the breakfast flounder while MrsG mainly stood by butI think there were intrusions - by both corvids and ANOther?

    Aran brought another:

    Next fish, not big but it should be easier to deal with:

    Oh !!!  He flew off with it.  As MrsG also had flown, I wonder if this was another intruder problem:

    One side or the other, all blooming day, bold as brass:

    KC4 nearly finished one of the flounders:

    KC2 flew off with the last bit of the other:

    MrsG stayed on the nest for a while then flew off, Heather looked around, a Crow took over the nest and ate some fish on the mini perch:

    There followed a long period of lovely scenes from the environment, every time Heather returned to the nest there was a black bird on it Grin MrsG was unhappy to be disturned during a preen:

    Oh surely not Open mouthGrin

    KC4 - I haven't got time to pick the best shot with eyes:

    KC4 won, KC3 lost:

    KC4 ate all the missing part, except for the head of course, before KC3 was able to take over Open mouth (KC2 had also been there for a while.)

    KC2 waited and waited:

    KC2 took over this much, MrsG and KC3 are about to fly off:

    KC4 took over again:

    KC3 has a new flounder from Aran that we can't see yet:

    MrsG ended up feeding him - for a long time, until he could eat no more and flew off, and MrsG finished the tailend:

    KC2 was the only one who came to the nest hoping for a fish, but she was unfulfilled until... and we missed the landings cos the cam was perch-oriented:

    KC2 ate well until after nightcam view kicked in, and left some on the nest for the morning - I'm not sure how many leftovers there are:

  • KC2 on the nest shouting for breakfast..... if you can see her through the spiders web! 


  • MaryGK said:
    KC2 on the nest shouting for breakfast..... if you can see her through the spiders web! 

    She was preceded by these two Heart eyes 

    I can't remember what made me notice them now...I know I stopped the recording at an inappropriate moment:

    KC3 took the leftover:

  • KC3 has fish but I can't see who the sibling is but look at this bold and cheeky crow.....up and down the perch and KC3 carries on eating in between shouting at the crow when it got too close

    C BGGW

  • PATILY the sibling was KC2 and she flew off in the end and left KC3 to face off the crows, which he did in no uncertain terms, with MrsG watching from the perch:

    Aran's just dropped off a flounder - he does a quick turn and shoots off after a crow - dig that spider's web, it's very neat - but also a nuisance:

    MrsG came to wait to be able to take over a fish, KC3 finished and flew.

    Reassuring to see that KC4 is eating along with KC2:

    MrsG ended up waiting for KC4 to leave some but at this rate there won't be much left - KC4 has looked ravenous:

    Nope - KC4 finished the lot and flew.  MrsG flew to the perch and back to the nest PDQ, maybe Aran has another fish to drop off?

    KC3 turned up and left after a while, then MrsG went back to the perch for a preen:

    MrsG saw "black birds", lol, on the nest:

    She must have done a flyabout because soon the nest was available for the black birds:

    The crows taunted her and got a flap for it:

    Live trout arrived, KC2 won it!

    Aran was on the perch (I meant to arrow him and FORGOT !!! ) and had to chase away a crow/raven (I've forgotten that too):

    KC4 was on 'n off, then MrsG and KC3 were waiting together... MrsG left, KC3 sat down on the nest and a corvid kept him company on the perch... he objected and flew off, the corvids took over the nest for a while, then it was empty for another while, until...

    KC4 was back for a few minutes only... then after a long ENS KC3 flew in to the perch:

    He was shouting in all directions!

    KC4 returned to the nest and waited, and then for an unknown reason they both flew at the same time, they looked "nice":

    KC3 was obviously on the lookout from afar, he came for Aran's headless flounder, no-one else did.  He got pestered mercilessly by the crows which I'm not spending time to find good shots off, but here's a nice prance I stumbled upon ;)

    KC4 came and hung around long enough for KC3 to be willing to relinquish the fish:

    KC4 is still eating, no-one is pestering her.