• MrsG was looking over her shoulder when she sensed the one coming down the perch to the nest, she gave such a flap !!!

  • Both adults have been waiting patiently, each with fish, on a windy nest and no takers

    C BGGW

  • Aran arried in support of MrsG with a fine headless fish:

    He waited on after MrsG left:

    A chick arrived and claimed MrsG's leftover flounder, Aran released the fish from his foot and left, so the chick had a choice - but not for long, as a sibling has arrived for Aran's fish.  I can't see the numbers from here.

  • Oh really lovely - cool. Wonderful stuff going on with you Scllya .Got to come back to these as I want to baggy so many but , now a walk calls which means human company (hoorah) . SYL
  • patily said:
    Both adults have been waiting patiently, each with fish, on a windy nest and no takers

    Aww, sorry, PATILY Disappointed relieved I had the RF open for so long that I didn't know I was duplicating you. 

  • It was KC3 and KC4 who came and ate most of the 2 fish, here was KC4 about to take off, with the rain coming down more heavily:

    Soon after, KC2 flew in and did a song-and-dance number with the main leftover:

    Then look what happened - wow!  And it was a flapper:

    As soon as KC2 had had enough and stepped aside, MrsG took over - and she looked very eager to eat!

    MrsG left a very good tailend on the nest and went to the perch, Heather had a good look around the trees but I couldn't cope with trying to find birds among the leaves and raindrops so I didn't!

    Then KC3 took his turn with the fish:

    He ate nearly all of it and flew off, MrsG watching him go:

    MrsG preened 'n preened and nodded off:

    KC4 came and gave the tail a twirl and ate all but the tailfin before flying off:

    MrsG stayed on the perch and was joined by 2 expectant, unnumbered, juves:

    Turns out they were KC3 & KC4, and they were too late because KC2 already had the new fish on the nest (cam didn't show the delivery):

    KC4 waited and waited and was eventually allowed to tug away the fish, with plenty left :)

    Suddenly, there was Dad with more fish on the perch :o

    It was a whole tiddler:

    He took it to the nest, despite KC2 trying to get it from him:

    KC2 followed him but didn't attempt to take it so Aran ate a few bites out of the poor thing's chin and flew off with it.

    KC4 kindly left some of her fish for KC2, and he was eating at the end of the day's shift, and still on the nightcam view - he flew off @ 20:53.

    KC3 checked out the skinny tail but left it:

    MrsG came and ate morsels from under our side of the fence, had a potter, checked the skinny fishtail but left it and flew off.

    21:55 maybe KC2 came back and rejected the skinny fishskin:

    Settled in the middle of the nest until giving up waiting and flying off - prompted by someone offstage?

  • KC4 I think eating butthe juvie on the perch doesn't have the ring reveaed
  • patily said:
    KC4 I think eating butthe juvie on the perch doesn't have the ring reveaed

    Good morning!  I read that (just for a  split second) as "eating a buttie" Smile

    04:45 the first bird appeared under nightcam and checked out the fishskin but soon left - 15 minutes later KC2 bounced on the pine cone and left, then MrsG came and went twice, then KC2&3 had a few moments' prancing and left - all over by 05:18.

    05:30 FISH !!! !!! !!!

    It looked rather small.  MrsG was the only one there to meet it.

    KC4 came for a feed but KC3 soon muscled in and took the fish out from under their noses Open mouth It had hardly been started!

    KC4 hovered close by while KC3 demolished the fish, there was hardly any left when Heather came on duty and changed the view to MrsG on the perch:

    Back to the nest in time to see KC3 fly off with the tailfin, IMHO, but it was a blur.

    Whole FLOUNDER !!! !!! !!!

    KC4 took it with ease from KC2 !!!  The flound did a tiss-toss in protest ;)

    KC4 held onto the fish for quite a while but didn't make much headway with it, then MrsG arrived to take over.  The juvies were not all that eager to get fed and C3 ended up getting the main feed, until an intruder episode, which must have been quite serious because KC3 dived:

    More to come, including a nice big fish, but I have to take a break.

  • The intruder wasn't spotted, in spite of a brief search, and back on the nest MrsG was feeding KC2 while KC3 remained seated.

    08:21 our hero Aran dropped in with another fine whole FISH !!!

    Moments after this snap, there being no takers, he flew off with it:

    MrsG continued feeding the juves, KC2 flew off, something attracted these two's attention (frame done on a whim):

    KC3 returned right on time to collect the returned fish from Aran:

    Everyone ate their fill and left, KC3 having self-fed generously and left a good portion behind:

    Empty nest since then.

  • I guess this is MrsG, lol: