Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 June 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, healthy week! 

  • I wish you success today with recording your BP, LINDY!
    Our Danish friends brought some correspondence here last year, from my OHs late first wife to their late mother. I passed them on to my stepson but had a quick look at one or two. She was saying much the same thing as you describe. Very lonely, two small children, nobody to talk to and felt so low. My OH used to come home to her, have his meal and then go out to the garden or fishing, to unwind. Then to bed. I have to say that in my time married to him, he wasn't one for general conversation! I remember once, during a meal, saying that it would be nice to chat. His reply? ' OK, what do you want to talk about?'. Said in a very kind way! He really was such a lovely man but not one for small talk:-)

  • We hope to zoom with our river cruise friends from Bournemouth and San Francisco this week. OH has been practicing with the Bournemouth couple today. It will be a first for those of us in the UK but the US couple are used to it. I hope it goes well and of course it will be great to see them as well as speak to them. The Bournemouth friends were bathed in sunshine - not so we two I am afraid.

    Love what you were saying HEATHER about being grateful for what we have. I find it difficult sometimes esp since finding I had been badly let down by my brother in Feb.

    LINDY glad that people take the priority rather than cars. I think you have a lovely day as well.
  • I can't tell you my BP readings, Heather, as they make absolutely no sense! Coincidentally, my OH, who has never had a blood pressure problem, was told by the surgery to also take some readings.

    So we tested the gadget on him, too, and his numbers are off the chart.....!! !! back to the drawing board! I think it must be set incorrectly. Will look into it after we've cooked our meal.
  • Dibnlib - we had teething problems with Zoom, as no one told us that when you get your connection, you have to press the icon for connecting when you can see the other person, and also that unless you press on the left hand side icon to get the sound, you're not being heard at the other end. But once we sorted those out, it's been a doddle.
  • GARDENBIRDER: Nice to see you, Ann. Hope you and your family are healthy and happy!
  • Lindy: Did you receive an instruction manual or user manual with your blood pressure monitor? That's not meant to be a snotty question at all. I know that a lot of companies don't send those manuals with appliances these days, and one has to find them online. Or they send some sort of incomplete start-up guide, but not a full manual. If you don't have one, give me the brand and model number and I will find you one online. 

  • Also, Lindy, I've had high blood pressure -- dangerously high if I don't take my meds -- for many years. I can tell you from experience that you need really fresh, new batteries in those monitors. They are really sensitive and if the batteries aren't new, they will deliver gibberish.
  • Zoom is great!! I use it to keep in touch with family and friends, we use it for a Bible Study group, church business meetings, Home Group … in fact, it's a real sanity saver for many who, like me, live alone. One of our local clergy said the other day, 'Just think - a few months ago Zoom meant an ice lolly!'
  • OG here – rather a lot to read this evening – should have checked earlier but been busy with church stuff and hearing J recounting all the bits of news from the council etc about restarting school in August.

    LINDA – shall be glad when you get the machine working and then your BP might stabilise! Today’s rain was not really heavy enough here – the temp and humidity made the afternoon so uncomfortable that we were praying for the storm to come – maybe get more in the night. Nice for you to have some extra pedestrianised streets in town!

    LYNETTE – sorry to see your OH had a bump with the car – assume nobody was hurt.

    AQ – ridiculous the way folk seem to think lifting of any part of restrictions means the thing has gone away – worse for us here as England is being less careful than Scotland and we are right near the border, so confusion reigns. Enjoyed today’s thoughts, especially the logic of the third one.

    ANNETTE – glad it was a good visit; hope you are having a good drive home with no problems on the roads.

    DIBNLIB – good to see you on here again. Good luck with the Zooming!

    HEATHER - pleased your S-i-L treated the lawn for you – most are safe for animals and birds these days.

    DIANE – agree about BP monitors. I sent mine for WEEE recycling. If they want me to record it at home again, they will have to lend me a machine – although they usually get sent out with a flat battery!

    PAT – OH had the Zoom elders’ meeting again today – I haven’t ever tried it. I had him on Zoom and Son J using the school system with a colleague at the same time – weird conversations in the house.

    Well, no update on weather yet and very still out there again – why did I forget to turn my little fan on when I started?
  • Hot and very humid here ..23 plus but humidity levels 80 ish.
    Too much for me and for the dogs and they got a short late afternoon walk and lots of in cottage sleeping as thick stone walks keeps cottage cool.
    Daughters plans to come up include ( as she has control) includes a Covid test on the 7th for her all her staff and students . 2 days working from home and a drive up on the 11th.
    Watching the scenes from shops opening. Why queue wait a few days or just get the same bargains online.