Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 June 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, healthy week! 

  • Hello all and thanks Diane for ever faithfully, starting off a new week.

    Hope you are all keeping well. Been a lovely weekend down here. Yes, we've had cloud but also sunshine. and its turned warm again.

    Waiting to hear when OH's car will be ready. Being repaired after a bump - mind you he was given a courtesy car, just as well as dau is on 14 self isolation with us due to a child falling ill in her bubble at school. Its a precautionary measure and one which hopefully turns out to be non virus related.

    Have a good week, will pop in from time to time.
  • Expecting rain but I have done a small load of “catch-up” washing and it is hanging limply in garage. Banging noises from Grand Design this morn. The tarpaulin is half off; I wonder if they have noticed. . . or care. Long awaited (not by me!) football at weekend with a crowd of 2,000 spread out; 3 empty seats between spectators and families not permitted to sit together. Carefully watched by authorities to plan future events. All behaved well so increased numbers to come. Adelaide Oval has seating for 53,500 so it must have felt strange. Some people seem to think the covid danger is over and want all restrictions eased at once. I dread a second wave and having to go back to isolation.

  • One day, I was approached by a man holding a glass of water.
    He asked, “Is this glass half full? Or half empty?”
    I took the glass from his hand and drank the water. No more problem.

    The glass is neither half full nor half empty.
    It’s simply twice as big as it needs to be.

    They say it’s always in the last place that you look
    OF COURSE! Why the heck would I keep looking after I already found it!

  • evening all: Lovely visit; heading home early tomorrow. Thanks all for posts - and Diane for starting us off again. Will catch up in a day or two.
  • Good Morning. Dry here but "heavy thundery showers" forecast. Will have to wait & see.

    AQ, Glad things are going so well there - fingers crossed for you all that the worst is passed. Like you, we both feel that we don't want to rush into anything, anytime soon, even if they loosen things up here.

    Annette, Great that your visit has been a success: safe journey back home and take care x

    Edit:  ps. I think it's beginning to get to us both that we've been locked up here together for so long - both of us have snapped at each other on occasion this weekend, and agreed that we're bored with it now.

  • Haven't been on here for a week or so. Hope you are all well.
  • Hello all
    Life trundles on here in what is usual in a way, for me, as I live alone. The weekends are a different matter! Usually I meet up with some of the family. Nowadays, it's a socially distanced, rather unreal, meeting in the garden with eldest daughter! I'm trying to be positive and be grateful for what I have, good health, no financial worries and a pleasant home :-)
    My eldest son in law spread lawn feed for me on Saturday. The moss is blackening and the weeds ditto. Mr Blackbird is looking for grubs and worms and I'm hoping that whatever it is that is on the grass won't do him any harm.
    No sun here today, the haar hasn't lifted to any great extent. It isn't cold, though.

  • dibnlib said:
    Haven't been on here for a week or so. Hope you are all well.

    Yes, thank you, Dibnlib. I think most of us on here are OK at present, if a bit tired of this lockdown thing. I hope you are both alright.

  • Heather, I was thinking yesterday that the present situation somewhat reminds me of my worst years - stuck at home with two very young children, whilst my OH worked long hours and came home tired & wanting nothing but food and sleep. I hardly ever had an adult conversation and we had an almost non existent social life for about five years. I had depression, and no wonder. Ho hum.

    Today I walked into our town and enjoyed the streets which have been cut off from traffic, to allow for social distancing. It was lovely!! The idea that the car is King, has been going on for too long :-)
  • See that you're not getting the lovely sunshine we have today, Heather - Sorry about that, it's no consolation to hear what weather others are getting!!