Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 June 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, healthy week! 

  • There's a white duck in here, looking at me! (I keep having to prune these pics, or they won't post)

  • I suppose I might as well swim away if you're not going to give me any lunch.

  • Morning all    Oh my, Dame Vera gone - truly, truly the end of an era.  I remember hearing "We'll Meet Again" on the radio all through the late 40s and 50s.  But a good long life, well lived and it was nice to read PatO's post about the roses..

    AQ:  Not so much down as a bit tired and - surprise! - same old things to do now I'm home.  Arizona visits are always busy with constant interruptions and schedule changes, various to-ings and fro-ings, etc., etc.  Cooked a lovely dinner Saturday, had the food on the table only to have the spring on Ms. D's braces come loose, which required throwing foil over the food and bundling it all back into a warm oven while her Mom fixed it. All a bit typical. The long drive back Monday actually provided some rather nice 'just me' quiet time after everything.   On top of that, daughter's recently rescued German Shepherd had developed a nasty tumor/cyst on his paw which bled all over the newly cleaned-in-my-honor house and necessitated bandaging over the weekend.  Thing is, he then ate the bandages - has anyone heard of this? - which created intestinal problems, apparently all okay now after Monday morning check up with vet.  However, when the dog brought back up the bandages (sorry - it's all too graphic I know) in the middle of Sunday night, he hurt his leg and is now not putting any weight on it.  So daughter is, as I type at the vets for X-rays.  I'm not looking forward to hearing the diagnosis...      Does it never end.....

    Lindybird:  How frustrating to deal with yet another techno blip!  Truly.  

    We had 20 news cases of covid in Santa Barbara in 24 hours - the biggest ever - and 3 new cases in Goleta (Goleta is 'chicly' adjacent to SB but not as chic as Montecito!).  :-)    So personal care businesses that were opening Friday are now being told they can't (not that I was planning a tattoo or a massage).  But yes, who are these idiots who are messing it up for everyone - don't get me started!!

    Condolences on the UK heat and humidity; not the normal state of affairs and even more uncomfortable without a/c .  Prescott was in the high 80s and breezy during my visit but it will steadily get hotter there until the monsoon season arrives in early July with high humidity and daily thunderstorms that break the heat (and hopefully not start too many wildfires).

    Take care all.

    EDIT  Poor old Ozzie (daughter's recently rescued German Shepherd) has bone cancer.  Spoke to vet who says it came out of left field and from his experience with the breed, is very aggressive with amputation the only therapeutic option, which he doesn't recommend for this dog.  :-(     Not a happy outcome, especially as daughter had just got him....

  • Annette that is so so sad but he seems to have a great place for palliative care..
    Duke had issues when in came including a cancer in a toe a rare one but a super vets amputation meant it didn’t spread so 2 years later he is still my best boy:-)
    Hot and sunny today after days of hot and humid ..
    Daughter did 25 COVID tests today . Students attending small local college . A challenge as they all have Aspergers but all done and results over the weekend .
  • Annette - Such sad news about Ozzie. I do hope the vet can do something. Such a shame when he seemed to be settling in so well.
  • But on a happier note: Here are a couple of photos of Ms. D's big day last weekend.  (The white-haired lady is her sponsor.)  We wore masks but those two were off for a few minutes during the service for those two.

    After the service (above).   A card-carrying Catholic at this point.  She chose St. Patrick as her saint - I suspect my sainted Irish Mum was up there pulling strings.  

  • Sorry to hear your sad news about Ozzie, Annette. What a shame for your family. Hope he goes peacefully.

    Lovely pics of MsD. So fresh and neat, & pretty in white. Glad you went.

    Wendy, well done to your daughter, "doing her bit" for the covid crisis.

    It's finally stopped raining here, and everything is soaked now -- it can stop raining, please!

  • Lindy she travels up on the 11/7 and as she is paranoid about my demise all her troops get a test On the 7/7 to make sure she is clear. Travels the 625 miles overnight with minimum stops.. can’t wait and the dogs will love to see her.