Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 June 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, healthy week! 

  • Thanks, Diane, and the same to you!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thanks DIANE. We should have a good week here as further restrictions are easing next Friday. I found that that link to Brit foods interesting. We have Tetley, Kelloggs, Cadburys (made in Tasmania), John West, Fairy, Heinz. Other names I recognise from reading novels set UpOver!

    ANNETTE – I was worried when I saw a report on covid numbers in US states. California & Arizona were up high. You & your family be careful & stay safe

    HEATHER – Grand Design seems to have lots of gables. Claims it is not 2-storey but has a “parents retreat” upstairs. That window is twice the size I think of as a dormer window. Between house & fence on one side is just a path. On the other side the house curves around a pool (spa?) behind a double garage. Back yard is not very deep. At least we won’t hear the pool noise and no windows overlook us.

    Our state has had 18 days with no new cases. Next weekend indoor venues allow 75, so church services will resume. Oh dear I shall have dress proper for Sunday services instead of whatever warm I throw on to watch streaming service!

  • Just a thought
    If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present. (Roy T. Bennett)

  • Good Morning. Thank you to Diane, ever reliable to start us off :-)
  • I posted that to see if it worked: recently, it's been hard to post on here 1st thing.

    AQ - Quite a mansion, then. At least it doesn't overlook you much. Great news that things are easing up, there. They let us do a little more but predictably, folks take it as "worries over, let's party, go to protest marches, and get back to normal." We won't be joining society anytime yet & intend to keep to ourselves as much as possible still.

    Annette, hope things are going well on your visit.
  • Just looked back on the last posts from the last thread. Diane, I want those Valomilks even more now! Must Google them to see if they're available here....
  • Hello, Sunday – OG here.

    Great improvement in weather Saturday – a lovely afternoon in the garden with OH. It was a very light evening, with the later sunset.

    HEATHER – me too, re length of hair – and it’s gotten very curly, so all over the place.

    DIANE – never heard of Valomilks – but I don’t thing I would like them– too sweet. Thank you for starting the new week; I hope you will have a good one, too.

    ROSY – and anyone interested – did you know there is currently a shortage of Marmite – due to short supply of yeast extract from breweries who have had to cut production while pubs are closed? They have stopped filling the big jars for the time being.

    LINDA – Geraniums a good choice near front door – very welcoming (when we are allowed to welcome people). Enjoy your chicken dinner – we are having pork today. Serious get-together across the road last evening – they seem to be pushing all the boundaries – guess they think they are safe being young, and not caring about everyone else.

    AQ – never totally sure about the global marketplace (airmiles etc), but I guess its good news for ex-pats and their descendants. That house really does sound a Grand Design – but how they can say it is single-storey beats me. Pleased your church can resume services – will they even allow singing? In Europe they say singing projects “droplets” and the virus further.

    OH hopes grass will be drier this afternoon so he can mow again – must have had some early morning showers, I think. I shall probably be typing for the magazine – our handwriting contributors have already sent several items.
  • Beautiful afternoon and evening - very warm (still 26C at 8pm!). Took an evening wander saying hello to all the birds - OH said two young blackbirds got themselves into the greenhouse when he left the door open during the afternoon - apparently found their way out without any damage - to them or the tomatoes! Really wrote on here just to bump up the thread again!
  • Sorry, been busy Not Doing Much! Needed some time off to do nothing today, so got up late, then pottered before lunch. Warmed up a quiche, then after we sat in the garden for much of the afternoon. Thought it might be the only decent day for a while - as we got the chairs in at teatime, we had a sharp shower.

    Had another fight with the blood pressure monitor - after half an hour, I managed to get it to show the date and time, so think maybe I could be winning. As I spent half an hour on it each of the other times I attempted, I calculate that I've spent an hour and a half getting to this point! So I must be more dogged and persistent than I thought, LOL!! Next stage ---- tomorrow, I shall try to use it!!!!!