Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 June 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, healthy week! 

  • Lindybird:  Thanks for nice distracting photos.  But I can't let you monopolize the Boring Department   :-))   Here are two of our night-blooming epiphyllum (aka Princess of the Night).   One bloom for one night once a year.   I wonder what Mother Nature had in mind for that particular bit of evolution....  Fortunately we have three plants in pots.   These measure 12 inches tip-to-tip.

    I took a flash photo too but it blew out the details.

  • Meanwhile....

    Heather/PatO:  That is SO frustrating about the 2m in stores but not in your own homes/gardens?   We are certainly no role models for consistency here but it does seem that there's more confusion that side of the Pond.  Governor Newsom has just ruled masks for all Californians indoors and also outside when you can't keep a safe distance, but we still have idiots bleating on about their constitutional rights (to be idiots) and how they live in a free country so don't have to comply with sensible precautions that keep their community safe. Yada yada yada.  Give me a break!  And I see the Oklahoma Supreme Court has given Donald its blessing to host a super-spreader event - but that's Oklahoma for you.  Go right ahead folks.....  Meanwhile, forget Shirley Jones and Gordon McCrae - that wind that is sweeping down the plains is the hot air from The Orange Menace.  Oh  my, calm down Annette!

    PatO: Sorry about your church services staying online for longer.  I'm sure there's a Methodist in their madness!   Sorry, very silly joke but couldn't resist......

  •   Had a nice walk in the UHI grounds this morning.  The cygnets were looking somewhat tatty before they become glorious adult swans.

  • Annette - Not the first time I've heard that … hmmm … joke, but it still makes me smile every time!

    'They' are now talking about reducing the two metre distancing, but there is also talk of a variable distance depending where you are. Another load of confusion is heading our way, folks!
  • PatO: Sorry - and here I thought I was being original. Another delusion. :-) Just spoke to my UK niece and she is also fed up with confusing info. She says people are so frustrated she doubts anyone would tolerate another shutdown if it ever came up again....
  • Thank you, friends, for understanding my frustration. I just felt awful having to choose between my three daughters - which family to designate .... At the same time I realise how fortunate I am, having family nearby.
    We can continue to meet in the garden. Next door are having a barbecue and it sounds as if there are a lot of guests!
  • PS Hope OG is alright. It must be a couple of days since we heard from her, but who am I to talk ?!!
  • PS Hope OG is alright. It must be a couple of days since we heard from her, but who am I to talk ?!!
  • Annette: The problem with Trump's super-spreader rallies is that many people like me also live in Republican-dominated states and are endangered by their reckless behavior. The GOP states all have sizable populations of non-Republicans. They are putting others at lethal risk to exercise their "freedom." I say this with bitterness, because Trump will be coming to the Midwest.
  • Heather: You should not have to choose between your children. That's an illogical policy, in my view. But, nobody asked me. We have our own lack of logic to deal with here.