Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 June 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, healthy week! 

  • Evening all: All kinds of laundry and ironing done today - interrupted by a very long nap after lunch. Fridge resembles Mother Hubbard's cupboard - I see a major grocery outing in the near future. Unfortunately did not find time for chat but have good intentions for tomorrow! :-)
  • Morning all and Lindy I use a wrist BP monitor and last year when it started to give large spikes in the readings I called the doc and they took 3 measurements over 3 weeks and said it was too high and I am now on tablets. They also ask me to use the monitor once a week and to take 3 readings - but to discard the first and just record the 2nd and 3rd.

    On my first visit to the doc  I took my unit with me and she did hers and it was correct so I think they are pretty accurate. I have only changed the batteries once and that was when I thought it was playing up.

    Great to read all you news as usual. Here in Suffolk things are much as before apart from I did visit my Daughter and her 2 Girls in Silverstone as our rules state that single people can visit and stay over.

    We looked at the calendar and it was almost 4 months since I had seen them - it was so lovely and the girls made a big fuss of me when I arrived.

    I am still on Furlough and now some more shops are open I may get out a bit more but I'm not in any hurry - I was never a fan of shopping and busy shops and have decided that I just don't need that much and would rather spend time walking on the beach and in the woods.

    We were expecting storms yesterday but they missed us - they are forecast again for today but its very still out there at the moment.

    Keep sharing all your news and stay safe.

  • Good Morning. Sunny here, but don't know if that's going to last - the thunder rumbled around for ages last night.

    Harelady, thanks so much for all that info. Very kind of you. Glad you were able to go and see your family.

    Annette, good that you've given yourself some time off to recover from your journey. And Heather - you are allowed a day here and there where you don't do much! Allow yourself a break :-)

    AQ - Thanks for the quotes. I was sent the newspaper cutting by a friend, and it's so true. I am in charge of shopping here, and I really must stop buying us sweet treats - it's been tempting to cheer ourselves up by eating some of our favourites, but its all on the hips, now! :-(

    Hoping to go for a walk somewhere nice today.
  • HARELADY - It would have been wonderful to see the family, so pleased for you.
    My new fence was going to be painted today but rain stopped play. Maybe tomorrow!
  • I remember you saying about a new fence, Heather. What colour is it going to be? Green or blue seem very popular now.

    We went for our walk in sunshine, without coats, but when we got home to have lunch, the heavens opened just after my OH decided to sit in the garden! Pics later, from our walk...
  • Glad that you got your walk, LINDY! I'm afraid to say that the fence will be Harvest Brown as that is the colour of all the others here. Very dull and boring!