Hallo all:  Have a good week and don't forget to check the latest posts on last week's thread.

  • Lindy, hope you get sorted out re blood pressure. I just read mine every day - usually between 87 and 63 bpm but occasionally higher.

    Weather very cloudy and moserable looking - dau sent home to self isolate as a child in her bubble showed symptoms of the virus but are just hoping its a cold. 4yr olds are too young to be tested - mum works at the school as well. Child was at home when she let the school know but because said child had been into school the previous day they are erring on the cautionary route..
  • LINDA – I’m so pleased you will live to 2099. . . but I doubt I shall be still here!

    OG - Our local tooth fairy deposits a shiny $2. Last visit I gave Dau two shiny coins from my purse, just in case there is a sudden fallout.

    ANNETTE – Safe journey and have a fantabulous time.

    HEATHER – I am convinced “our” Grand Design is a spare time job. Yesterday they appeared for an hour and took down some of the scaffolding. Alas it was the very scaffolding that was the favourite perch of the project manager (magpie). Today they roofed the woodwork facing us. I took this pic while they were at lunch. Since then they have covered the rest in bright blue tarpaulin and disappeared for the afternoon! Another early weekend or another spare time job?

  • Just a thought

    The things that I remember are kindly words, from friends -
    not words of great pronouncement, not dreams of rainbows' ends.
    The things that I remember are little words, and true -
    the friendly words that help me, from you, and you, and you. (Karen Rene)

  • Good Morning. Dry here! Seems surprising, after all the rain of the last few days. Not sure if I'll get my laundry on the line. It's still pretty cloudy.
    I'm off early on the Big Shop, and my OH has an appointment for a blood test. Last night I dreamt that we went to the local Tip and threw on there about 50% of all our possessions, which is probably much what my OH would like to happen, LOL!!!
    A nice quotation, AQ.
    That's one big project. Reminds me of what happened next door a few years ago, when they enlarged the house by about 50%
  • News today that our state will reopen borders 20 July. Only overseas travellers will be required to quarantine for 14 days. Almost all new cases in Aussieland in past month have been returning travellers, very few community transmissions. I just hope that the crowds at last weekend’s BLM rallies in our citieds don’t undo all the good work, just when I am feeling it is safer to go out. I would love a coffee & chat with friend/s. I notice that 20 July is the day after school holidays. Plenty of places to holiday within SA.
  • Had a lovely walk around the lake at Hever Castle this afternoon. Did I need that!!! Very few people and my friend and I had a good chat about all sorts of things that have been building up for both of us. I feel so much better for that. Must do it again soon. Rain was forecast, but didn't arrive until I was on my way back to the car park - I had time to put my jacket on and my umbrella up before it got too heavy!
  • Looks like a quiet day on here. A quiet day at home too - all very lethargic - must try to shake us up somehow. Weather is a bit "iffy" right now, so that doesn't help.

    LYNETTE - that reading sounds more like a pulse rate than blood pressure - maybe time to check the instructions again! Hope your Daughter will be okay.

    AQ - strange roofline on that house! Hope Project Manager will find a new perch! Thanks for the thought - another useful one for the magazine!

    PAT - so pleased the walk was dry, pleasing and therapeutic. Sounds as if it was just what you needed!

    Had a repeat delivery of the Verbenas today - can't really send them back, being living plants already travelled one journey, so will have to get them planted tomorrow. Day Lilies started blooming last weekend and now flowering prolifically. Have I mentioned the Podiatrist phoned earlier in the week to say she is starting home visits again, so I made our appointment for Tuesday - will be wonderful to walk on pain-free feet (I hope).

    Enjoy the weekend, everyone. (OG)

  • I heard strange noises as I was off to bed last night. Ah, the Grand Design's tarpaulin was flap-flapping in the wind. This morning part of it is detached. The strong winds & rain have not arrived yet. I woke far too early (4.30 am) and spent the next 2 hours dozing and planning solo photo escapes around suburbs. Chauffeur Friend is not in best of health and I doubt we shall gallivanting together for quite a while.
  • Coronavirus fears force “Christmas in July” to be moved to late December.

    Teenager briefly looking up from her phone to see planet has been in lockdown for past 3 weeks.

    Just remember someone out there is quarantined with your ex.

    Due to social distancing rules, I shall no longer be shaking hands or hugging. In lieu of these, you may kneel or bow.

  • Evening all:  Arrived mid-afternoon after an easy drive.  TV News this evening talks of big increase in virus cases here in Arizona. :-((    

    AQ:  Maybe time to plant fast-growing trees along that back wall?

    Wendyb:  Amazing how late it stays up there.  How nice and green!

    Lynette  As OG says, that doesn't sound like a Blood Pressure reading, which usually has two numbers: eg; 130/60.