Hallo all:  Have a good week and don't forget to check the latest posts on last week's thread.

  • WENDY - you are right - the Highlands are like one big village!
    PAT - I've got fingers and toes crossed that you and friend get your much anticipated walk.
    ANNETTE - Have a good journey, enjoy seeing your friend in LA and most of all, have a great time with the family.
    DIANE - I can understand your concerns regarding your nephew. If only we could keep them all safe but they have to learn to deal with the big horrible world. They don't have the same fears as we do....
    LINDY- Come back to the new machine later ( possibly after a glass of something just purchased!) and all will be well. I get very uptight if I can't fix something. Is there a video on YouTube?
    OG - I don't know what day it is, half the time. I have to try and achieve something each day but this whole lockdown has put me in a strange place.
    AQ - I continue to be amazed at the slow pace of things next door to you. Perhaps these are tradesmen doing this in the odd hour or two when not working elsewhere?
  • OG here again.

    WENDY - should have said earlier - pleased you will get to see your Daughter - and the dogs will be so excited! Read about Mountain Café moving into Grantown and then planning something new.

    HEATHER - those builders do sound as if they are doing what we call "moonlighting" - much like people working on the smaller bungalow next to us - but some of them are family members, so it's hard to know what is going on. Also, the young couple moving in are not yet resident and we know where their families live, so they are all the time breaking distancing rules - very hard to judge when all they want is to move in soon! OH has gone outside again to hoe the "bird patch" under the feeders - their seeds grow when they drop them, especially when we have rain. Watching two Woodpigeons, one on each side of a vertical feeder, trying to reach round and knock one another off, but continue stuffing themselves at the same time

    J seems to be getting more concrete information about the return to school when it comes. The health and safety survey has been done, so practical work will be done to secure distancing, one way systems etc. I pity the poor senior staff trying to timetable attendance and distance learning for August.

  • Morning all:  Lots of interesting posts since yesterday.

    Lindybird:  Heather's suggestion re a YouTube video (plus a glass of wine!) to learn about your new device is a good idea.  Nothing like seeing somebody do something to clear things up.  I know I still get frustrated when our irrigation controller needs adjusting - if you don't do the settings in the right order it doesn't cooperate and then you're back to square one.

    PatO; You need to splurge on some leather (or faux leather) gauntlets when you have to argue with a rose....

    OG:  I wasn't serious about figuring out which of you has posted - you're a lot more chatty than EE.   :-)   Tooth fairies are a lot more expensive these days.  :-)

    Wendyb:  Have fun with your daughter.

    Am taking my laptop so will be keeping an eye on everyone. :-)

  • Take care, and safe journey, Annette! Hope you find the family well and that you all have a super time (not many people say "super" any more, do they?! ;-) )

    Not had time to attack the problem with the gadget, yet : too busy. My OH came home fairly happy that his golf game is returning to normal. We have just been adjusting the table which our new bedroom TV sits on, as I was adamant that it was sloping - proved it by rolling a lipstick across! Solved it by putting several thin holiday brochures underneath, which we won't need, now!
  • Off to cook our dinner - sausages, today, with another helping of the completely delicious fresh new potatoes from our allotment. Had some last night and they simply melt in the mouth, there's no comparison to bought ones. Just lots of butter, and a touch of mint on them.
  • LINDY - I'm SO envious of you eating newly lifted potatoes. Enjoy!!

  • Good evening (OG back again). It’s turned showery here - should be dry from halfway through tomorrow morning.

    ANNETTE – E-E would probably say he doesn’t get a chance to be chatty – partly because I am, and partly because he is busy doing everything.

    LINDA – good that you found a use for holiday brochures! Wonderful new potatoes with butter – yummy – or even super! One advantage of being at home in summer is all the garden produce - but it begins to look as if you might be able to enjoy visits to your own caravan later in summer.

    Going to return to my book about the 1707 Act of Union. Politics doesn't change much!
  • Well just heard from my youngest re Covid testing..
    Like Scotland and UK both leaders have no idea what’s going on in care homes whether it’s the elderly or those with disabilities and learning problems.
    So as from next week all her staff and students will get a weekly test.
    Sadly 12 weeks too late as these teenagers have only had the house garden to exercise in.
    Lessons need to be learned as emphasise was put on Covid care in hospitals and patients sent out to care homes with no tests to solve the problem of bed blocking..
    Rant over and at long last the suns out. Sunset 10.15 but it’s light for a longtime after .
  • Not sure how that happened..
    It’s 10.20pm we have daylight and the birds are singing so turn the sound up :-))

    It seems compacted as my trees are a tad taller than that :))