Hallo all: Have a good week and don't forget to check the latest posts on last week's thread.
Thanks ANNETTE for starting us off with another week. We could do with a boring un-newsworthy week..
PAT & OG – Glad to help with filling your church bulletins.
The heat does not reach my computer room. It was freezy at online church this morn, just like the real thing LOL. I was too lazy to wash my hair yesterday, no one to impress. It will be a shock when live services return and I have dress Sunday best instead of same old “anything goes”.
People and things do not upset us. Rather, we upset ourselves by believing that they can upset us.
Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day. (A A Milne, paraphrased from “House at Pooh Corner”)
A year from now, everything you are stressing about won’t even matter.
Three things you should know. . . 1) This too shall pass, 2) You are loved, 3) It is Monday. . . or maybe Saturday. (church sign)
Bonnie, reappearing & mighty pleased with herself, all muddy and with leaves hanging from her ears.
Erm...... a picture of Where We Saw a Wren. 2 seconds before I took this picture!!