Hi everyone.Nest empty at the moment. So not a lot happening on camera. Can't believe the time has peregrined to after 2am in these parts. So I'm away to roost. Catch you all later :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Updated stats for chicks/juves as at 020810. Also a correction to EJ's first arrival at LG, which was 16th June 2003, although elsewhere this is reported as 6th June 2003, the difference is only noted for the record. The stats have previously reported the wrong date (2007) picked up from EJ's RSPB webpage.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
EJ feedin herself whilst Noisy Boots is at it.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Thanks jsb for updated stats.
ENS once again, now that they've been fed I expect it will be quiet now for most of the day till early evening.!!!!
Thanks Lynette. Also Thank you for the update jsb..
Good morning all a bit late here this morning. I was rather unwell overnight and unlike me I stopped in bed for a while. Must have eaten something that didn't agree or just eat too much. Had just logged to see Titch I think being fed by EJ and another GEM feeding itself. From what i have read they have had plenty to eat this morning. Had a phone call from a friend and was chatting for nearly an hour so missed the going of them all.
Thanks for the chat and pics and Cirrus hope hospital visit goes well. Hopefully I will be able to watch for longer today although at the moment ENS and as they have all been fed they might not be back for a while
jsb said: Updated stats for chicks/juves as at 020810. Also a correction to EJ's first arrival at LG, which was 16th June 2003, although elsewhere this is reported as 6th June 2003, the difference is only noted for the record. The stats have previously reported the wrong date (2007) picked up from EJ's RSPB webpage.
Yes 12.37pm on 16th June 2003. Interestingly EJ had already visited Loch Garten earlier that year on 26 -29 March and was the first osprey to land there.
According to p24 of "Life of Ospreys" by Roy Dennis in 2002 EJ briefly appeared at Loch Garten and she even arranged a few sticks before being chased off by the old female, presumably Olive.
This of course raises the question, did EJ actually visit Loch Garten twice before her final arrival on 16th June 2003?
Of course EJ then went to her usual nest and laid 3 eggs. She was ousted from this in late May by a green ringed bird. Then after a gap of over 2 weeks EJ made her way to Loch Garten and met up with Henry.
The female that eventually paired up with OVS was green 7B who was a grandaughter of Ollie. Now Green 7B did turn up at least once at Loch Garten possibly looking for OVS that husband who was back trying to win EJ back!
I dare say Green 7B is not EJ's favorite bird. How everything would have been different if she had not done what she did.
Tiger Signature
Me again but just to say thanks for all the pics and videos enabling me to see what i have missed.
Heron 77 just loved your humerous comments of last evening. What a lovely sense of humour you have.
morning all and happy Monday! How great to read through and see all the fish this morning. Thanks for all the captures etc.
Zilch going on at the moment, can't even hear a GEM!
This is just a short clip of an Osprey chick at LOL having a couple of practice dives this morning.
Here's tae us