Hi everyone.Nest empty at the moment. So not a lot happening on camera. Can't believe the time has peregrined to after 2am in these parts. So I'm away to roost. Catch you all later :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Many thanks watcher 2 for the video.
Tiger: Thanks for your comments. I was wondering about EJ's return as a juvenile and the few facts that we have, for these early years of her life. I think Roy is referring to 2001, at the foot of p22, when he describes the clutch of eggs with orange-black VS that were predated by pine-martins. On p 24 talking about 2002, he says that 'I identified her at her previous year's nest in Rothiemurchus'.
So EJ's early years would be:-
1997 Chick
1998/9 Juvenile on migration.
2000 Possibly first visit back to Scotland?
2001 Rothiemurchus, pine-martin incident.
2002 Rothiemurchus, one chick, also visit to LG.
2003 16th June, took up residence at LG, after the earlier visits over a four day period in March.
When Rothes returns, hopefully with her sat pack in working order, it will be fascinating to see the extent of her exploration of possible breeding sites and it will enable us to have a much clearer picture of the selection process of her future home and partner. The third year of an osprey's life is probably the one that we know the least about, as they are free to do their own thing, as it were.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
Good morning Gary and you are right it is exceptionally quiet now. they must be flying further away from the nest now and only appear when fish is on the menu.
Just looking in to see if anything is happening ... not much! A young one has just landed with a squeal and a clunk on the camera post, but that is all :-)
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Very interesting conversation between Tiger and jsb. I am off to check ' the book' once again.
I heard the clunk Joan, but as you say, nothing visual or anymore sound.
Unknown said: This is just a short clip of an Osprey chick at LOL having a couple of practice dives this morning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95frpLtVevo
This is just a short clip of an Osprey chick at LOL having a couple of practice dives this morning.
Great! Thanks watcher2, I was watching that myself but unfortunately couldn't record it :)
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Thanks Watcher2. That really does show how much they have to learn in such a short space of time.
Afternoon all and it is so quiet at the moment, wonder where they all are. Perhaps they are having a go at catching fish for themselves. Haven' seen any seen one osprey since about 10.30 this morning probably because they had a good start to the day with all the fish.
Have just watched a sparrowhawk take one of the many wood pigeons that visit my garden. Think it was the female and she carefully plucked it all and just left a load of feathers on the lawn. A bit upsetting but I tell myself she probably has young to feed and it is nature.
What information, jsb. All very fascinating. I have recently purchases Roy Dennis's book and intend to have a read of it whilst on holiday in September - it will make very informative reading I'm sure.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
ChloeB said: This is just a short clip of an Osprey chick at LOL having a couple of practice dives this morning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95frpLtVevo