Hi everyone.Nest empty at the moment. So not a lot happening on camera. Can't believe the time has peregrined to after 2am in these parts. So I'm away to roost. Catch you all later :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Morning all. Three on the nest, looks like one adult and 2 GEMs. One GEM eating, adult shouting and mantling from time to time. I assume that's EJ making th noise.
Left the computer for a few minutes and now there are 2 ospreys (looks like the parents to me!) and THREE fish. Wow! Correction, the one on the left is a GEM I think.
Now EJ feeding a great monster of a baby(!). Maternal instinct certainly doesn't disappear as they grow.
Morning all ... thanks for overnight nest reports. One GEM is standing on a fish being fed by EJ from another fish ... and there is a third partly-eaten fish lying on the nest too ... looks like a good breakfast was had by all :-))
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
The GEM has now had enough and flown away ... EJ is eating the remainder of her fish herself.
EJ has finished the fish she was eating and has now started on another of the partly-eaten ones! She is gently 'chirping' every now and then, but no takers for feeding, although at least one GEM is calling off-screen.
DjoanS said: The GEM has now had enough and flown away ... EJ is eating the remainder of her fish herself.
If my eyes are not deceiving me on this picture there are 3 fish on the nest and all the Juves are full. One on the left front. One under EJ's foot and another behind EJ's foot closer to the camera.
Maybe EJ should offer her services to Tescos fish market .
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Intruder alert ... EJ mantling over one of the fish ... sounds like Odin chirruping in the background, although it could be the intruder.
Hi, I'm a bit late today, but came on to find EJ standing on the nest quietly with her fish....
EDIT & CORRECTION: Now I've read back, I should have said, with her fishES...
Good Morning All. Have just been catching up on the last few days wonderful pictures and excellent reports. Thank you.
I couldn't expect to see a better scene than this morning. EJ and a nest of fish, with no shrieking Gems.