Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 May 2020


I hope everyone has a good and safe week. 

    To answer your question: 81% of white, evangelical Christians voted for Trump. That's his most reliable voter base, and he needs to keep them happy in order to win re-election in November. If they abandon him, he can't win. So, he panders to them. That's why he often clutches a Bible, appears with far-right pastors/ministers, and speaks in front of right-wing churches.
  • How far apart can you get? Black/white. High/low. Trump/Bible?!?!?!? Thank you, Joe Biden, for reminding us all what is between those covers ...
  • I have no words :-( but thank you for explaining, DIANE. A!so LINDY and PAT. I'm not surprised, ANNETTE, that you choose not to watch. Yoga is much more relaxing !
  • Lindy: Sorry! I missed your post where you explained to Heather. I just didn't see it until after I posted. I didn't mean to try to squash your words. 

  • That's fine Diane. I thought I'd take it upon myself to try & put in some sort of nutshell, but actually I hope I'm not getting above myself in commenting on something which is not even happening in my own country!
  • I'm so sorry, too that its come to this in such a vibrant wonderful country.
  • Thank you, Lindy. 

    I've been alive almost 63 years. I've seen the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, Watergate, 9-11... so I have some perspective. Honestly, right now, I'm more terrified than I've ever been.

  • Getting later every day! Just time to say: Wet stuff fell from the sky today - not a lot, just a little, but we might get real rain in the early hours of tomorrow! I had my first trip out today, since 15th March - will explain tomorrow!!!
  • I hope it was for a pleasant reason, OG, rather than a medical one!

    Heather, good to hear that your nephew is improving. Hope things keep moving in the right direction.

    Diane, I was trying to type the above posts whilst cooking dinner and have been trying to relax with my OH since then, so no time to say more. I know you're busy with work, so didn't want to involve you. It's upsetting and worrying for us over here to stand by and watch what is happening. We've had quite good media coverage of events, and some tv discussions. I suppose in a way we shouldn't be surprised that things have come to this, because of the nature of the presidency at the moment. I hope things calm down soon. Keep yourself safe.

  • We are hoping for some rain in the night. Lower temps promised for the next few days.

    For our overseas readers, the UK has just had the driest month of May since records began, and the hottest May temps since 1957!

    Sadly, because of the summery weather, people have been flocking to the beaches and parks in the last three days, putting the social distancing at risk, causing traffic jams, and leaving mountains of litter. Yuk....