Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 May 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, healthy, safe week!

  • AQ - Many of your 'Thoughts for the Day' have also found their way into our church magazine and now the weekly news sheet. Certainly today's will get a place this week. Thank you for providing us with something to think about and something to laugh about.

    I am putting my sleep disruption to not enough exercise and fresh air, too much sitting and computer. Mind you, I've never been a good sleeper, so it's probably just a continuation of normality. But when I do get a decent night I feel so good the next day. Pity it's not a bit more frequent … still hearing a lot of World Service, along with Heather. I've tried all the breathing, relaxation exercises, thinking beautiful thoughts … on some nights they work, and on some they don't. So I just keep on keeping on …

    Have a good day, everyone.
  • Same here, PAT. I was doing all the breathing exercises last night but ....
    At least we are not in pain during the night, as OG often is. For that, I am grateful and also grateful that I have full mobility.
    I've loved the flower pics from LINDY.
    Can I ask, where are all the ladybirds? I have very few roses nowadays but the aphids are driving me crackers.
  • PAT 0 I also find that lack of exercise affects my sleep.
  • Not seen many ladybirds either.
  • Perhaps they have all flown away home! Seriously, though - those ladybirds do such a wonderful job gobbling up the aphids, and I haven't seen any around either. I do hope they are not another victim of the strange weather patterns … I assume they would not be prone to Covid-19?
  • OH said the Zoom meeting went well, and he was pleased they kept it quite short, because he is now working on the lawns. I am sitting here waiting for the promised statement from Dominic Cummings. Amazing that this is the main story of the day at a time like this. Could only happen here in the UK … … no, maybe not!

    We have seen a few Ladybirds around, but not so many as there usually are here in May.
  • Is it me or is Dominic Cummings a total prat?
  • ANNETTE - it's not you! I do think the press have behaved very badly, but having done what he did in driving up to Durham, with excuses which at least made some sense, why did he have to double it by driving back to London? But why also did the press have to put all those Cummings questions to Boris at his press conference, when they could have asked things the public are actually interested in?
  • Annette - It is definitely not you! There was so much wriggling going on this afternoon it made me feel very uncomfortable. When thousands and thousands of people kept to the rules, didn't drive far from home, made local arrangements for childcare etc, why does DC think he's any different, and that the rules don't apply to him? People didn't go to funerals, didn't visit relatives, didn't rely on relatives living at the other end of the country for possible childcare, stayed at home when anyone in their household had symptoms. They made their own local arrangements, however difficult that was - and without the resources he has. He must be a reasonably intelligent man, and the rules were spelled out quite clearly. Other people kept to them. Grrr … it makes me cross!! Other people who have been 'found out' have done the decent thing and resigned. He should as well. I'm sure he would have far more respect, or at least a bit of sympathy, if he did. But trying to brazen it out … no, not a wise thing to do.

    End of rant … sorry.