I hope everyone has a wonderful, healthy, safe week!
Detail on lupins, which are now reaching the top of their spires.
Another Patty's Plum poppy, which opened last night.
HEATHER So sorry to hear the news of your nephew. i do hope you get better news of him soon.
Very hot here today. We took Benson out at 0830 and were out for nearly 2 hours, with a lot of shade. I still think it was a bit much for him. We won't take him out again till after 8pm. Tomorrow we will probably take him out much earlier and for a shorter time. My Oh has tried to keep on top of grooming him but his coat isn't nearly as short as if the professional had done it.
I forgot to tell you that we saw 3 red squirrels in a neighbours garden yesterday morning. What a great start to the day.
Morning all: So here are my floral offerings: The tree is a Jacaranda, native to South Africa but very happy in Southern California coastal regions. They were a popular 'street' tree some years back but are popular in gardens, as long as you don't mind treading the purple blossoms all over your carpets. They are spectacular this year and seemed to be more intense against a gray sky. The white flower is Carpenteria Californica, (Bush Anemone) native to the rocky western slopes of the Sierra Nevada range behind Fresno in the central part of the state, but is also happy in the shade under our huge Chinese Elm tree. The shrub can grow to about 6 feet by 5 feet. I have four of them along the side of the house.
dibnlib: Are those Azaleas? Gorgeous!
Annette he was chuffed he watched it as never seen it that up close before ... good luck fo r the rest of their mission.
WendyB; Apparently so - I was so busy looking at the NASA web site and CNN TV coverage I must have missed it but granddaughter just called and said they'd watched it land. Yes, it is amazing and it's so interesting that it's a private company that came up with that technology... Off to round up lunch now; then garden work;