Just getting us going.....
Hi all: So there various things that people are doing around the neighborhood to bring smiles to random people. I was out in the front garden this morning and found this beautifully painted rock. It has a message on the back: Re-hide me! I'll do that, but it's so pretty I'd really like to keep it/pay the person who did it even...
DIANE - The Himalayan Blue poppies look as if made from glass. So fragile.
DIBNLIB – I have to give up on your jigsaw. Please where is the fish?
HEATHER – You are permitted to rant because I want to. A letter in today’s paper demanding restrictions be eased further sooner as our state has no (known) active cases of virus. We have had one new case since 23 Apr but experts say we need 2 cycles of 14 days free. NSW Premier is blasting SA for closing its borders. She claims NSW & VIC did not. Well duh, which 2 states still have people catching the virus? Then there are the young idiots who gather in large groups. Do they think they are immune?
ANNETTE – Yes, you mustn’t, but I have the same feelings when some idiot crashes a (usually stolen) car or bike. And they are rushed off to emergency.
After a few nights of temps 3-5 C, last night was a warm 8. Somehow I have 2 loads of washing today, first ready to hang but lawn man is due. I have to wash today as rain expected rest of week.
Yup, gardening and laughing are two of the best things in life you can do to promote good health and a sense of well being. (David Hobson)
Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes.
Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes until your spouse adds up the receipts..
Today I started gardening. . . I planted myself in front of the TV and I sat there the entire day.