Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 May 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, and healthy week! And, I hope your weather is warmer than it is here! I had thick frost last night.


I'm editing my post to add this link. 

I have these Carolina Wrens on my patch all year long. I also have House Wrens in the summer and Winter Wrens in the winter. Many of the wren pairs build multiple nests. I have wren nests everywhere this time of year. My parents and my ancestors all revered wrens and built houses for them. I can't dig down into the earth anywhere without finding fragments of wren houses.

  • A friend of mine had a Great Dane who only lived for about eight years. His favourite thing was to stand in front of the television and block the screen - I'm sure he knew what he was doing, as he used to look at us with almost a grin on his face! He was a real character. But VERY BIG!!! I'm sure you will enjoy watching Poppy grow up - and up - dibnlib.
  • Hallo all.  Quiet on here - I've just come in from time in the garden (mostly eating/reading/sitting/napping).  Should do some tidy up out there but oh well....   We had a fly-by here as four military jets flew around the central coast and interior of the state to  show support of front-line hospital workers (rather quiet after seeing those flights over Buckingham Palace!)   Spoke to granddaughter and apparently her former partner (not Ms. D's father) is off in New Jersey working with Covid patents at one of their hospitals; he's a ICU nurse and he and three other buddies from the Phoenix area signed up for a two-month stint.  

    Apart from that, not a lot going on.  Some very low-risk businesses in most parts of California are being allowed to open under very strict restrictions. We'll see how that goes.  Our county had a big spike in cases over the last week or two, nearly all of which were at the Federal prison farther up the coast.

    Lindybird: Hope your OH thoroughly enjoyed his golf game!

    Take are all.

  • Here is the view of the Grand Design from our backyard. They have a minute back yard and just a path between house & side fences. It towers over neighbouring single storey homes. No window looks into our space. Late afternoon our friendly Magpie spends time on the scaffolding surveying the progress. (He and OH often have a chat.)

  • Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says “If an emergency, notify - - - ”, I put “DOCTOR”. What’s my mother going to do?

    The shinbone is a device for finding furniture in a dark room.

    Never ask Google for medical advice. I have gone from mild headache to clinically dead in three clicks.

    Whisky is by far the most popular of all remedies that won't cure a cold. (Jerry Vale)

  • AQ:  OMG - that's HUGE - can they do that without getting approval?  Do you guys have to post notices on a property when someone is going to build/expand a house?   I guess the upside is that since they've filled the entire lot, you won't have huge BBQ gatherings in the backyard....

  • AQ: That house is enormous. I'm not sure anyone needs that kind of luxury. I hope it won't encroach upon your enjoyment of your home.


    Well, my state is opening up and removing lockdown restrictions, despite the reality that the virus is spreading and increasing numbers are being infected. In my county, the main public library--located in the county seat and our largest town (population about 16,000)--is opening its doors to the public. The library is adopting very complicated protocols. My own local small town library remains closed, but they're going to offer curbside pick-up for 3 hours two times per week. 

    Hope you all are happy and healthy.

  • AQ - That monstrosity next to you looks huge. However many people are going to be living there, I wonder? How many cars will it attract? And if the ground is so limited, wherever will they park? I would be very interested to know what the magpie thinks of the whole thing - hopefully he leaves his comments behind at each visit.

    By the way, my friend's dog wasn't a Great Dane (woke up with that shocking memory in the middle of the night!) - he was an Irish Wolfhound. Had I remembered his name - Wolfie - it would have been a bit of a clue!
  • LOL Pat!

    Good Morning. Sunny start again, here. Hoping to attack some of the weeds which don't seem to mind the dry conditions we have at present, and are growing like, erm......weeds.

    AQ - By gum, as they say in Yorkshire, that's huge! Good that at least it won't be overlooking you. I'm surprised they would let them put in something which doesn't match the rest of the areas properties. The magpie must have decided to take on the job of Project Manager, and is doing his job very seriously.
  • I don’t expect large gatherings in backyard as the very first thing installed, BEFORE foundations, was a small swimming pool (spa?) halfway down the left side boundary. From what we could see of the foundations, the house wraps around 3 sides of the pool. There is a 2 car garage under main roof at the front of the house. It could have been worse – on some blocks a single house is replaced by 2 two-storey townhouses. And then there really is a problem with parking and noise.

    We have been seeing news items of people getting together as restriction ease. I shudder as they are hugging. Careful, I cry, the virus is still out there.

    Tonight’s TV fix or knitting session:- Beautiful railways of Scotland followed by Grand Designs Australia. For once a local house. At Kuitpo in Adelaide Hills.

  • Enjoy your TV, AQ. We watched a beautiful recording we had made of a Coast of Scotland programme, last night, which was about the Hebridies, plus one about Walking the Lost Railway tracks of Britain - old routes which have been torn up and now used for walking. Last night's was about Norfolk. It included a view from a small plane (shudder!) of the very many disused airfields there, from WWII. No idea there were so many --- they also explained that a lot of the runways were built by hardcore brought on the trains, from the rubble left by the Blitz on London. We should feel lucky, even in these times....